PowerShell in Action

Every so often, I review books for publishers at various times before they hit the streets (anything from initial proposal to final review). The book I’ve been reviewing most recently is PowerShell in Action. (For those of you who didn’t see the news, PowerShell is the new name for Monad, the new object-oriented shell for Windows.)

Now, I’m excited about PowerShell as a product, but I’m even more excited about the book. I’m a pretty harsh reviewer, and I can only think of about three books which I’ve reviewed and been really positive about throughout most of the review. This is the best of them. I’ve not seen the whole book yet, but from what I’ve seen it’s going to be both readable and informative, which is frankly a rare combination in technical books. The author (Bruce Payette) is on the PowerShell team, so we get the information straight from the horse’s mouth (no disrespect meant) along with reasons for design decisions. Anyway, go and have a look at the home page for the book (linked above), read the first (unedited chapter), and sign up for updates. It’s going to be fab.