Contract classes and nested types within interfaces

I’ve just been going through some feedback for the draft copy of the second edition of C# in Depth. In the contracts section, I have an example like this:

public interface ICaseConverter
    string Convert(string text);

internal class ICaseConverterContracts : ICaseConverter
    string ICaseConverter.Convert(string text)
        Contract.Requires(text != null);
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
        return default(string);

    private ICaseConverterContracts() {}

public class InvariantUpperCaseFormatter : ICaseConverter
    public string Convert(string text) 
        return text.ToUpperInvariant();

The point is to demonstrate how contracts can be specified for interfaces, and then applied automatically to implementations. In this case, ICaseConverter is the interface, ICaseConverterContracts is the contract class which specifies the contract for the interface, and InvariantUpperCaseFormatter is the real implementation. The binary rewriter effectively copies the contract into each implementation, so you don’t need to duplicate the contract in the source code.

The reader feedback asked where the contract class code should live – should it go in the same file as the interface itself, or in a separate file as normal? Now normally, I’m firmly of the "one top-level type per file" persuasion, but in this case I think it makes sense to keep the contract class with the interface. It has no meaning without reference to the interface, after all – it’s not a real implementation to be used in the normal way. It’s essentially metadata. This does, however, leave me feeling a little bit dirty. What I’d really like to be able to do is nest the contract class inside the interface, just like I do with other classes which are tightly coupled to an "owner" type. Then the code would look like this:

public interface ICaseConverter
    string Convert(string text);

    internal class ICaseConverterContracts : ICaseConverter
        string ICaseConverter.Convert(string text)
            Contract.Requires(text != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
            return default(string);

        private ICaseConverterContracts() {}

public class InvariantUpperCaseFormatter : ICaseConverter
    public string Convert(string text) 
        return text.ToUpperInvariant();

That would make me feel happier – all the information to do with the interface would be specified within the interface type’s code. It’s possible that with that as a convention, the Code Contracts tooling could cope without the attributes – if interface IFoo contains a nested class IFooContracts which implements IFoo, assume it’s a contract class and handle it appropriately. That would be sweet.

You know the really galling thing? I’m pretty sure VB does allow nested types in interfaces…

MVP Again

I’m delighted to be able to announce that I’m now an MVP again.

Google has reconsidered the situation and worked out a compromise: I now receive no significant gifts from Microsoft, and I’m not under NDA with them. While that precludes me from a lot of MVP activities, it removes any concerns to do with Google’s Code of Conduct. Basically my MVP status is truly just a token of Microsoft’s recognition of what I’ve done in the C# community – and that’s fine by me.

When I announced that I’d been advised not to seek renewal, I was amazed at the scale of the reaction in the comments, other blog posts, Twitter and personal email. I was touched by the response of the community. I really love working at Google, and the fact that we could figure out a solution to this situation is definitely one of the things that makes Google such an awesome place to work. Oh, and did I mention that we’re hiring? :)

Anyway, the basic message of this post is: thanks to the community for caring, thanks to Google for reconsidering, and thanks to Microsoft for renewing my award. And they all lived happily ever after…

Migrating from Visual Studio 2010 beta 1 to beta 2 – solution file change required

Having installed Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 on my freshly-reinstalled netbook (now with Windows 7 and and SSD – yummy) I found that my solution file from Visual Studio 2010 beta 1 wasn’t recognised properly: double-clicking on the file didn’t do anything. Opening the solution file manually was absolutely fine, but slightly less convenient than being able to double-click.

After a bit of investigation, I’ve found the solution. Manually edit the solution file, and change the first few lines from this:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 10

to this:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010

It’s just a case of changing "10" to "2010".

Hopefully between this and the linked SuperUser post, this should avoid others feeling the same level of bafflement :)

Iterating atomically

The IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator<T> interfaces in .NET are interesting. They crop up an awful lot, but hardly anyone ever calls them directly – you almost always use a foreach loop to iterate over the collection. That hides all the calls to GetEnumerator(), MoveNext() and Current. Likewise iterator blocks hide the details when you want to implement the interfaces. However, sometimes details matter – such as for this recent Stack Overflow question. The question asks how to create a thread-safe iterator – one that can be called from multiple threads. This is not about iterating over a collection n times independently on n different threads – this is about iterating over a collection once without skipping or duplicating. Imagine it’s some set of jobs that we have to complete. We assume that the iterator itself is thread-safe to the extent that calls from different threads at different times, with intervening locks will be handled reasonably. This is reasonable – basically, so long as it isn’t going out of its way to be thread-hostile, we should be okay. We also assume that no-one is trying to write to the collection at the same time.

Sounds easy, right? Well, no… because the IEnumerator<T> interface has two members which we effectively want to call atomically. In particular, we don’t want the collection { “a”, “b” } to be iterated like this:

Thread 1 Thread 2

That way we’ll end up not processing the first item at all, and the second item twice.

There are two ways of approaching this problem. In both cases I’ve started with IEnumerable<T> for consistency, but in fact it’s IEnumerator<T> which is the interesting bit. In particular, we’re not going to be able to iterate over our result anyway, as each thread needs to have the same IEnumerator<T> – which it won’t do if each of them uses foreach (which calls GetEnumerator() to start with).

Fix the interface

First we’ll try to fix the interface to look how it should have looked to start with, at least from the point of view of atomicity. Here are the new interfaces:

public interface IAtomicEnumerable<T>
    IAtomicEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();

public interface IAtomicEnumerator<T>
    bool TryMoveNext(out T nextValue);

One thing you may notice is that we’re not implementing IDisposable. That’s basically because it’s a pain to do so when you think about a multi-threaded environment. Indeed, it’s possibly one of the biggest arguments against something of this nature. At what point do you dispose? Just because one thread finished doesn’t mean that the rest of them have… don’t forget that “finish” might mean “an exception was thrown while processing the job, I’m bailing out”. You’d need some sort of co-ordinator to make sure that everyone is finished before you actually do any clean-up. Anyway, the nice thing about this being a blog post is we can ignore that little thorny issue :)

The important point is that we now have a single method in IAtomicEnumerator<T> – TryMoveNext, which works the way you’d expect it to. It atomically attempts to move to the next item, returns whether or not it succeeded, and sets an out parameter with the next value if it did succeed. Now there’s no chance of two threads using the method and stomping on each other’s values (unless they’re silly and use the same variable for the out parameter).

It’s reasonably easy to wrap the standard interfaces in order to implement this interface:

/// <summary>
/// Wraps a normal IEnumerable[T] up to implement IAtomicEnumerable[T].
/// </summary>
public sealed class AtomicEnumerable<T> : IAtomicEnumerable<T>
    private readonly IEnumerable<T> original;

    public AtomicEnumerable(IEnumerable<T> original)
        this.original = original;

    public IAtomicEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        return new AtomicEnumerator(original.GetEnumerator());

    /// <summary>
    /// Implementation of IAtomicEnumerator[T] to wrap IEnumerator[T].
    /// </summary>
    private sealed class AtomicEnumerator : IAtomicEnumerator<T>
        private readonly IEnumerator<T> original;
        private readonly object padlock = new object();

        internal AtomicEnumerator(IEnumerator<T> original)
            this.original = original;

        public bool TryMoveNext(out T value)
            lock (padlock)
                bool hadNext = original.MoveNext();
                value = hadNext ? original.Current : default(T);
                return hadNext;

Just ignore the fact that I never dispose of the original IEnumerator<T> :)

We use a simple lock to make sure that MoveNext() and Current always happen together – that nothing else is going to call MoveNext() between our TryMoveNext() calling it, and it fetching the current value.

Obviously you’d need to write your own code to actually use this sort of iterator, but it would be quite simple:

T value;
while (iterator.TryMoveNext(out value))
    // Use value

However, you may already have code which wants to use an IEnumerator<T>. Let’s see what else we can do.

Using thread local variables to fake it

.NET 4.0 has a very useful type called ThreadLocal<T>. It does basically what you’d expect it to, with nice features such as being able to supply a delegate to be executed on each thread to provide the initial value. We can use a thread local to make sure that so long as we call both MoveNext() and Current atomically when we’re asked to move to the next element, we can get back the right value for Current later on. It has to be thread local because we’re sharing a single IEnumerator<T> across multiple threads – each needs its own separate storage.

This is also the approach we’d use if we wanted to wrap an IAtomicEnumerator<T> in an IEnumerator<T>, by the way. Here’s the code to do it:

public class ThreadSafeEnumerable<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    private readonly IEnumerable<T> original;

    public ThreadSafeEnumerable(IEnumerable<T> original)
        this.original = original;

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        return new ThreadSafeEnumerator(original.GetEnumerator());

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

    private sealed class ThreadSafeEnumerator : IEnumerator<T>
        private readonly IEnumerator<T> original;
        private readonly object padlock = new object();
        private readonly ThreadLocal<T> current = new ThreadLocal<T>();

        internal ThreadSafeEnumerator(IEnumerator<T> original)
            this.original = original;

        public bool MoveNext()
            lock (padlock)
                bool ret = original.MoveNext();
                if (ret)
                    current.Value = original.Current;
                return ret;

        public T Current
            get { return current.Value; }

        public void Dispose()

        object IEnumerator.Current
            get { return Current; }

        public void Reset()
            throw new NotSupportedException();

I’m going to say it one last time – we’re broken when it comes to disposal. There’s no way of safely disposing of the original iterator at “just the right time” when everyone’s finished with it. Oh well.

Other than that, it’s quite simple. This code has the serendipitous property of actually implementing IEnumerator<T> slightly better than C#-compiler-generated implementations from iterator blocks – if you call the Current property without having called MoveNext(), this will throw an InvalidOperationException, just as the documentation says it should. (It doesn’t do the same at the end, admittedly, but that’s fixable if we really wanted to be pedantic.


I found this an intriguing little problem. I think there are better ways of solving the bigger picture – a co-ordinator which takes care of disposing exactly once, and which possibly mediates the original iterator etc is probably the way forward… but I enjoyed thinking about the nitty gritty.

Generally speaking, I prefer the first of these approaches. Thread local variables always feel like a bit of a grotty hack to me – they can be useful, but it’s better to avoid them if you can. It’s interesting to see how an interface can be inherently thread-friendly or not.

One last word of warning – this code is completely untested. It builds, and I can’t immediately see why it wouldn’t work, but I’m making no guarantees…

Generic collections – relegate to an appendix?

(I tweeted a brief version of this suggestion and the results have been overwhelmingly positive so far, but I thought it would be worth fleshing out anyway.)

I’m currently editing chapter 3 of C# in Depth. In the first edition, it’s nearly 48 pages long – the longest in the book, and longer than I want it to be.

One of the sections in there (only 6 pages, admittedly) is a description of various .NET 2.0 collections. However, it’s mostly comparing them with the nongeneric collections from .NET 1.0, which probably isn’t relevant any more. I suspect my readership has now moved on from "I only know C# 1" to "I’ve used C# 2 and I’m reasonably familiar with the framework, but I want to know the details of the language."

I propose moving the collections into an appendix. This will mean:

  • I’ll cover all versions of .NET, not just 2.0
  • It will all be done in a fairly summary form, like the current appendix. (An appendix doesn’t need as much of a narrative structure as a main chapter, IMO.)
  • I’ll cover the interfaces as well as the classes – possibly even with pictures (type hierarchies)!
  • Chapter 3 can be a bit slimmer (although I’ve been adding a little bit here and there, so I’m not going to save a massive amount)
  • It will be easier to find as a quick reference (and I’ll write it in a way which makes it easy to use as a reference too, hopefully)
  • I don’t have to edit it right now :)

Does this sound like a plan? I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before, but I think it’s the right move. In particular, it’s in-keeping with the LINQ operator coverage in the existing appendix.

MVP no more

It’s with some sadness that I have to announce that as of the start of October, I’m no longer a Microsoft MVP.

As renewal time came round again, I asked my employer whether it was okay for me to renew, and was advised not to do so. As a result, while I enjoyed being awarded as an MVP, I’ve asked not to be considered for renewal this year.

This doesn’t mean I’m turning my back on that side of software development, of course. I’m still going to be an active member of the C# community. I’m still writing the second edition of C# in Depth. I’m still going to post on Stack Overflow. I’m still going to blog here about whatever interesting and wacky topics crop up.

I just won’t be doing so as an MVP.

Thanks to all the friends I’ve made in the MVP community and Microsoft over the last 6 years, and I wish you all the best.

Keep in touch.