Custom value types are like buses

You wait years to write one… and then six of them come along at once.

(Cross-posted to the Noda Time blog and my coding blog as it’s relevant to both.)

When we started converting Joda Time to .NET, there was always going to be the possibility of using custom value types (structs) – an opportunity which isn’t available in Java. This has meant reducing the type hierarchy a fair amount, but that’s actually made things simpler. However, I didn’t realise quite how many we’d end up with – or how many would basically just wrap a long.

So far, we have 4 value types whose only field is a long. They are:

  • Instant: an instant on the theoretical timeline, which doesn’t know about days of the week, time zones etc. It has a single reference point – the Unix epoch – but that’s only so that we can represent it in a concrete fashion. The long represents the number of ticks since the Unix epoch.
  • LocalInstant: this is a tricky one to explain, and I’m still looking for the right way of doing so. The basic idea is that it represents a day and a time within that day, but without reference to a time zone or calendar system. So if I’m talking to someone in a different time zone and an Islamic calendar, we can agree on the idea of "3pm tomorrow" even if we have different ideas of what month that’s in and when it starts. A LocalInstant is effectively the instant at which that date/time would occur if you were considering it in UTC… but importantly it’s not a genuine instant, in that it doesn’t unambiguously represent a point in time.
  • Duration: a number of ticks, which can be added to an instant to get another instant. This is a pure number of ticks – again, it doesn’t really know anything about days, months etc (although you can find the duration for the number of ticks in a standard day – that’s not the same as adding one day to a date and time within a time zone though, due to daylight savings).
  • Offset: very much like a duration, but only used to represent the offset due to a time zone. This is possibly the most unusual of the value types in Noda, because of the operators using it. You can add an offset to an instant to get a local instant, or you can subtract an offset from a local instant to get an instant… but you can’t do those things the other way round.

The part about the odd nature of the operators using Offset really gets to the heart of what I like about Joda Time and what makes Noda Time even better. You see, Joda Time already has a lot of types for different concepts, where .NET only has DateTime/DateTimeOffset/TimeSpan – having these different types and limiting what you can do with them helps to lead developers into the pit of success; the type system helps you naturally get things right.

However, the Joda Time API uses long internally to represent all of these, presumably for the sake of performance: Java doesn’t have custom value types, so you’d have to create a whole new object every time you manipulated anything. This could be quite significant in some cases. Using the types above has made the code a lot simpler and more obviously correct – except for a couple of cases where the code I’ve been porting appears to do some very odd things, which I’ve only noticed are odd because of the type system. James Keesey, who’s been porting the time zone compiler, has had similar experiences: since introducing the offset type with its asymmetric operators, found that he had a bug in some of his ported code – which immediately caused a compile-time error when he’d converted to using offsets.

When I first saw the C# spec, I was dubious about the value of user-defined value types and operator overloading. Indeed I still suspect that both features are overused… but when they’re used appropriately, they’re beautiful.

Noda Time is still a long way from being a useful API, but I’m extremely pleased with how it’s shaping up.

Where do you benefit from dynamic typing?

Disclaimer: I don’t want this to become a flame war in the comments. I’m coming from a position of ignorance, and well aware of it. While I’d like this post to provoke thought, it’s not meant to be provocative in the common use of the term.

Chapter 14 of C# in Depth is about dynamic typing in C#. A couple of reviewers have justifiably said that I’m fairly keen on the mantra of "don’t use dynamic typing unless you need it" – and that possibly I’m doing dynamic typing a disservice by not pointing out more of its positive aspects. I completely agree, and I’d love to be more positive – but the problem is that I’m not (yet) convinced about why dynamic typing is something I would want to embrace.

Now I want to start off by making something clear: this is meant to be about dynamic typing. Often advocates for dynamically typed languages will mention:

  • REPL (read-eval-print-loop) abilities which allow for a very fast feedback loop while experimenting
  • Terseness – the lack of type names everywhere makes code shorter
  • Code evaluated at execution time (so config files can be scripts etc)

I don’t count any of these as benefits of dynamic typing per se. They’re benefits which often come alongside dynamic typing, but they’re not dependent on dynamic typing. The terseness argument is the one most closely tied to their dynamic nature, but various languages with powerful type inference show that being statically typed doesn’t mean having to specify type names everywhere. (C#’s var keyword is a very restricted form of type inference, compared with – say – that of F#.)

What I’m talking about is binding being performed at execution time and only at execution time. That allows for:

  • Duck typing
  • Dynamic reaction to previously undeclared messages
  • Other parts of dynamic typing I’m unaware of (how could there not be any?)

What I’m interested in is how often these are used within real world (rather than demonstration) code. It may well be that I’m suffering from Blub’s paradox – that I can’t see the valid uses of these features simply because I haven’t used them enough. Just to be clear, I’m not saying that I never encounter problems where I would welcome dynamic typing – but I don’t run into them every day, whereas I get help from the compiler every day.

Just as an indicator of how set in my statically typed ways I am, at the recent Stack Overflow DevDays event in London, Michael Sparks went through Peter Norvig’s spelling corrector. It’s a neat piece of code (and yes, I’ll finish that port some time) but I kept finding it hard to understand simply because the types weren’t spelled out. Terseness can certainly be beneficial, but in this case I would personally have found it simpler if the variable and method types had been explicitly declared.

So, for the dynamic typing fans (and I’m sure several readers will come into that category):

  • How often do you take advantage of dynamic typing in a way that really wouldn’t be feasible (or would be very clunky) in a statically typed language?
  • Is it usually the same single problem which crops up regularly, or do you find a wide variety of problems benefit from dynamic typing?
  • When you declare a variable (or first assign a value to a variable, if your language doesn’t use explicit declarations) how often do you really either not know its type or want to use some aspect of it which wouldn’t typically have been available in a statically typed environment?
  • What balance do you find in your use of duck typing (the same method/member/message has already been declared on multiple types, but there’s no common type or interface) vs truly dynamic reaction based on introspection of the message within code (e.g. building a query based on the name of the method, such as FindBooksByAuthor("Josh Bloch"))?
  • What aspects of dynamic typing do I appear to be completely unaware of?

Hopefully someone will be able to turn the light bulb on for me, so I can be more genuinely enthusiastic about dynamic typing, and perhaps even diversify from my comfort zone of C#…

Just how spiky is your traffic?

No, this isn’t the post about dynamic languages I promise. That will come soon. This is just a quick interlude. This afternoon, while answering a question on Stack Overflow1 about the difference between using an array and a Dictionary<string, string> (where each string was actually the string representation of an integer) I posted the usual spiel about preferring readable code to micro-optimisation. The response in a comment – about the performance aspect – was:

Well that’s not so easily said for a .com where performance on a site that receives about 1 million hits a month relies on every little ounce of efficiency gains you can give it.

A million hits a month, eh? That sounds quite impressive, until you actually break it down. Let’s take a month of 30 days – that has 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 2,592,000 seconds2. In other words, a million hits a month is less than one hit every two seconds. Not so impressive. At Google we tend to measure traffic in QPS (queries per second, even if they’re not really queries – the search terminology becomes pervasive) so this is around 0.39 QPS. Astonished that someone would make such a claim in favour of micro-optimisation at that traffic level, I tweeted about it. Several of the replies were along the lines of "yeah, but traffic’s not evenly distributed." That’s entirely true. Let’s see how high we can make the traffic without going absurd though.

Let’s suppose this is a site which is only relevant on weekdays – that cuts us down to 20 days in the month. Now let’s suppose it’s only relevant for one hour per day – it’s something people look at when they get to work, and most of the users are in one time zone. That’s a pretty massive way of spiking. We’ve gone down from 30 full days of traffic to 20 hours – or 20 * 60 * 60 = 72000 seconds, giving 14 QPS. Heck, let’s say the peak of the spike is double that – a whopping 28 QPS.

Three points about this:

  • 28 QPS is still not a huge amount of traffic.
  • If you’re really interested in handling peak traffic of ~28 QPS without latency becoming huge, it’s worth quoting that figure rather than "a million hits a month" because the latter is somewhat irrelevant, and causes us to make wild (and probably wildly inaccurate) guesses about your load distribution.
  • If you’re going to bring the phrase "a .com" into the picture, attempting to make it sound particularly important, you really shouldn’t be thinking about hosting your web site on one server – so the QPS gets diluted again.
  • Even at 28 QPS, the sort of difference that would be made here is tiny. A quick microbenchmark (with all the associated caveats) showed that on my laptop (hardly a server-class machine) I could build the dictionary and index into it 3 times 2.8 million times in about 5 seconds. If every request needed to do that 100 times, then the cost of doing it 28 requests per second on my laptop would still only be 0.5% of that second – not a really significant benefit, despite the hugely exaggerated estimates of how often we needed to do that.

There are various other ways in which it’s not a great piece of code, but the charge against premature optimization still stands. You don’t need to get every little ounce of efficiency out of your code. Chances are, if you start guessing at where you can get efficiency, you’re going to be wrong. Measure, measure, measure – profile, profile, profile. Once you’ve done all of that and proved that a change reducing clarity has a significant benefit, go for it – but until then, write the most readable code you can. Likewise work out your performance goals in a meaningful fashion before you worry too much – and hits per months isn’t a meaningful figure.

Performance is important – too important to be guessed about instead of measured.

1 I’m not linking to it because the Streisand effect would render this question more important than it really is. I’m sure you can find it if you really want to, but that’s not the point of the post.

2 Anyone who wants to nitpick and talk about months which are a bit longer or shorter than that due to daylight saving time changes (despite still being 30 days) can implement that logic for me in Noda Time.

Noda Time gets its own blog

I’ve decided it’s probably not a good idea to make general Noda Time posts on my personal blog. I’ll still post anything that’s particularly interesting in a "general coding" kind of way here, even if I discover it in Noda Time, but I thought it would be good for the project to have a blog of its very own, which other team members can post to.

I still have plenty of things I want to blog about here. Next up is likely to be a request for help: I want someone to tell me why I should love the "dynamic" bit of dynamic languages. Stay tuned for more details :)

Noda Time is born

There was an amazing response to yesterday’s post – not only did readers come up with plenty of names, but lots of people volunteered to help. As a result, I’m feeling under a certain amount of pressure for this project to actually take shape.

The final name chosen is Noda Time. We now have a Google Code Project and a Google Group (/mailing list). Now we just need some code…

I figured it would be worth explaining a bit more about my vision for the project. Obviously I’m only one contributor, and I’m expecting everyone to add there own views, but this can act as a starting point.

I want this project to be more than just a way of getting better date and time handling on .NET. I want it to be a shining example of how to build, maintain and deploy an open source .NET library. As some of you know, I have a few other open source projects on the go, and they have different levels of polish. Some have downloadable binaries, some don’t. They all have just-about-enough-to-get-started documentation, but not nearly enough, really. They have widely varying levels of test coverage. Some are easier to build than others, depending on what platform you’re using.

In some ways, I’m expecting the code to be the easy part of Noda Time. After all, the implementation is there already – we’ll have plenty of interesting design decisions to make in order to marry the concepts of Joda Time with the conventions of .NET, but that shouldn’t be too hard. Here are the trickier things, which need discussion, investigation and so forth:

  • What platforms do we support? Here’s my personal suggested list:
    • .NET 4.0
    • .NET 3.5
    • .NET 2.0SP1 (require the service pack for DateTimeOffset)
    • Mono (versions TBD)
    • Silverlight 2, 3 and 4
    • Compact Framework 2.0 and 3.5
  • What do we ship, and how do we handle different platforms? For example, can we somehow use Code Contracts to give developers a better experience on .NET 4.0 without making it really hard to build for other versions of .NET? Can we take advantage of the availability of TimeZoneInfo in .NET 3.5 and still build fairly easily for earlier versions? Do developers want debug or release binaries? Can we build against the client profile of .NET 3.5/4.0?
  • What should we use to build? I’ve previously used NAnt for the overall build process and MSBuild for the code building part. While this has worked quite well, I’m nervous of the dependency on NAnt-Contrib library for the <msbuild> task, and generally being dependent on a build project whose last release was a beta nearly two years ago. Are there better alternatives?
  • How should documentation be created and distributed?
    • Is Sandcastle the best way of building docs? How easy is it to get it running so that any developer can build the docs at any time? (I’ve previously tried a couple of times, and failed miserable.)
    • Would Monodoc be a better approach?
    • How should non-API documentation be handled? Is the wiki which comes with the Google Code project good enough? Do we need to somehow suck the wiki into an offline format for distribution with the binaries?
  • What do we need to do in order to work in low-trust environments, and how easily can we test that?
  • What do we do about signing? Ship with a "public" snk file which anyone can build with, but have a private version which the team uses to validate a "known good" release? Or just have the private key and use deferred signing?
  • While the library itself will support i18n for things like date/time formatting, do we need to apply it to "developer only" messages such as exceptions?
  • I’m used to testing with NUnit and Rhino.Mocks, but they’re not the last word in testing on .NET – what should we use, and why? What about coverage?
  • Do we need any dependencies (e.g. logging)? If so, how do we handle versioning of those dependencies? How are we affected by various licences?

These are all interesting topics, but they’re not really specific to Noda Time. Information about them is available all over the place, but that’s just the problem – it’s all over the place. I would like there to be some sort of documentation saying, "These are the decisions you need to think about, here are the options we chose for Noda Time, and this is why we did so." I don’t know what form that documentation will take yet, but I’m considering an ebook.

As you can tell, I’m aiming pretty high with this project – especially as I won’t even be using Google’s 20% time on it. However, there’s little urgency in it for me personally. I want to work out how to do things right rather than how to do them quickly. If it takes me a bit of time to document various decisions, and the code itself ships later, so be it… it’ll make the next project that much speedier.

I’m expecting a lot of discussion in the group, and no doubt some significant disagreements. I’m expecting to have to ask a bunch of questions on Stack Overflow, revealing just how ignorant I am on a lot of the topics above (and more). I think it’ll be worth it though. I think it’s worth setting a goal:

In one year, I want this to be a first-class project which is the natural choice for any developers wanting to do anything more than the simplest of date/time handling on .NET. In one year, I want to have a guide to developing open source class libraries on .NET which tells you everything you need to know other than how to write the code itself.

A year may seem like a long time, but I’m sure everyone who has expressed an interest in the project has significant other commitments – I know I do. Getting there in a year is going to be a stretch – but I’m expecting it to be a very enlightening journey.

What’s in a name (again)?

I have possibly foolishly decided to stop resisting the urge to port Joda Time to .NET. For those of you who are unaware, "use Joda Time" is almost always the best answer to any question involving "how do I achieve X with java.util.Date/Calendar?" It’s a Java library for handling dates and times, and it rocks. There is a plan to include a somewhat redesigned version in some future edition of Java (JSR-310) but it’s uncertain whether this will ever happen.

Now, .NET only gained the ability to work with time zones other than UTC and the local time zone (using only managed code) – it has a bit of catching up to do. It’s generally easier to work with the .NET BCL than the Java built-in libraries, but it’s still not a brilliant position to be in. I think .NET deserves good date/time support, and as no-one else appears to be porting Joda Time, I’m going to do it. (A few people have already volunteered to help. I don’t know how easily we’ll be able to divvy up the work, but we’ll see. I suspect the core may need to be done first, and then people can jump in to implement different chronologies etc. As a side-effect, I may try to use this project as a sort of case in terms of porting, managing an open source project, and properly implementing a .NET library with useful versioning etc.)

The first two problems, however, are to do with naming. First, the project name. Contenders include:

  • Joda Time.NET (sounds like it would be an absolutely direct port; while I intend to port all the tricky bits directly, it’s going to be an idiomatic port with appropriate .NET bits. It’s also a bit of a mouthful.)
  • Noda Time (as suggested in the comments and in email)
  • TonyTime (after Tony the Pony)
  • CoffeeTime
  • TeaTime
  • A progression of BreakfastTime, CoffeeTime, LunchTime, TeaTime, DinnerTime and SupperTime for different versions (not a serious contender)
  • ParsleySageRosemaryAndThyme (not a serious contender)
  • A few other silly ones too

I suspect I’m going to go for CoffeeTime, but we’ll see.

The second problem is going to prove more awkward. I want to mostly copy the names given in Joda Time – aside from anything else, it’ll make it familiar to anyone who uses Joda Time in Java (such as me). Now one of the most commonly used classes in Joda is "DateTime". Using that name in my port would be a Bad Idea. Shadowing a name in the System namespace is likely to lead to very disgruntled users who may prove hard to regruntle before they abandon the library.

So what do I do? Go for the subtly different DateAndTime? Tie it to the library with CoffeeDateTime? Change it to Instant? (It’ll derive from AbstractInstant anyway – assuming I keep the same hierarchy instead of moving to a composition model and value types.)

Obviously this is a decision which the "team" can make, when we’ve got one… but it feels like a decision which is lurking round the corner in a hostile way.

What I find interesting is that these are two very different naming problems: one is trying to name something in a relatively arbitrary way – I know I want something reasonably short and memorable for the overall name, but beyond that it doesn’t matter too much. The other is trying to nail a very specific name which really has to convey its meaning clearly… but where the obvious name is already taken. Also interestingly, neither is a particularly good example of my most common issue with naming: attempting to come up with a two or three word noun for something that actually needs a whole sentence to describe it adequately.

Oh well – we’ll see what happens. In another blog post I’ll suggest some of the goals I have in terms of what I’m hoping to learn from the project, and how I’d like it to progress. In other words, expect a work of complete fiction…

If you’re interested in helping out with the project, please mail me directly (rather than adding comments here) and as soon as I’ve set the project up, I’ll invite you to the mailing list.

UPDATE: I’ve already got a few interested names, which is great. Rather than be dictatorial about this, I’ll put it to a vote of the people who are willing to help out on it.

Revisiting randomness

Almost every Stack Overflow question which includes the words "random" and "repeated" has the same basic answer. It’s one of the most common "gotchas" in .NET, Java, and no doubt other platforms: creating a new random number generator without specifying a seed will depend on the current instant of time. The current time as measured by the computer doesn’t change very often compared with how often you can create and use a random number generator – so code which repeatedly creates a new instance of Random and uses it once will end up showing a lot of repetition.

One common solution is to use a static field to store a single instance of Random and reuse it. That’s okay in Java (where Random is thread-safe) but it’s not so good in .NET – if you use the same instance repeatedly from .NET, you can corrupt the internal data structures.

A long time ago, I created a StaticRandom class in MiscUtil – essentially, it was just a bunch of static methods (to mirror the instance methods found in Random) wrapping a single instance of Random and locking appropriately. This allows you to just call StaticRandom.Next(1, 7) to roll a die, for example. However, it has a couple of problems:

  • It doesn’t scale well in a multi-threaded environment. When I originally wrote it, I benchmarked an alternative approach using [ThreadStatic] and at the time, locking won (at least on my computer, which may well have only had a single core).
  • It doesn’t provide any way of getting at an instance of Random, other than by using new Random(StaticRandom.Next()).

The latter point is mostly a problem because it encourages a style of coding where you just use StaticRandom.Next(…) any time you want a random number. This is undoubtedly convenient in some situations, but it goes against the idea of treating a source of randomness as a service or dependency. It makes it harder to get repeatability and to see what needs that dependency.

I could have just added a method generating a new instance into the existing class, but I decided to play with a different approach – going back to per-thread instances, but this time using the ThreadLocal<T> class introduced in .NET 4.0. Here’s the resulting code:

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace RandomDemo
    /// <summary>
    /// Convenience class for dealing with randomness.
    /// </summary>
    public static class ThreadLocalRandom
        /// <summary>
        /// Random number generator used to generate seeds,
        /// which are then used to create new random number
        /// generators on a per-thread basis.
        /// </summary>
        private static readonly Random globalRandom = new Random();
        private static readonly object globalLock = new object();

        /// <summary>
        /// Random number generator
        /// </summary>
        private static readonly ThreadLocal<Random> threadRandom = new ThreadLocal<Random>(NewRandom);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of Random. The seed is derived
        /// from a global (static) instance of Random, rather
        /// than time.
        /// </summary>
        public static Random NewRandom()
            lock (globalLock)
                return new Random(globalRandom.Next());

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an instance of Random which can be used freely
        /// within the current thread.
        /// </summary>
        public static Random Instance { get { return threadRandom.Value; } }

        /// <summary>See <see cref="Random.Next()" /></summary>
        public static int Next()
            return Instance.Next();

        /// <summary>See <see cref="Random.Next(int)" /></summary>
        public static int Next(int maxValue)
            return Instance.Next(maxValue);

        /// <summary>See <see cref="Random.Next(int, int)" /></summary>
        public static int Next(int minValue, int maxValue)
            return Instance.Next(minValue, maxValue);

        /// <summary>See <see cref="Random.NextDouble()" /></summary>
        public static double NextDouble()
            return Instance.NextDouble();

        /// <summary>See <see cref="Random.NextBytes(byte[])" /></summary>
        public static void NextBytes(byte[] buffer)

The user can still call the static Next(…) methods if they want, but they can also get at the thread-local instance of Random by calling ThreadLocalRandom.Instance – or easily create a new instance with ThreadLocalRandom.NewRandom(). (The fact that NewRandom uses the global instance rather than the thread-local one is an implementation detail really; it happens to be convenient from the point of view of the ThreadLocal<T> constructor. It wouldn’t be terribly hard to change this.)

Now it’s easy to write a method which needs randomness (e.g. to shuffle a deck of cards) and give it a Random parameter, then call it using the thread-local instance:

public void Shuffle(Random rng)


The Shuffle method is then easier to test and debug, and expresses its dependency explicitly.


I tested the "old" and "new" implementations in a very simple way – for varying numbers of threads, I called Next() a fixed number of times (from each thread) and timed how long it took for all the threads to finish. I’ve also tried a .NET-3.5-compatible version using ThreadStatic instead of ThreadLocal<T>, and running the original code and the ThreadStatic version on .NET 3.5 as well.

Threads StaticRandom (4.0b2) ThreadLocalRandom (4.0b2) ThreadStaticRandom (4.0b2) StaticRandom(3.5) ThreadStaticRandom (3.5)
1 11582 6016 10150 10373 16049
2 24667 7214 9043 25062 17257
3 38095 10295 14771 36827 25625
4 49402 13435 19116 47882 34415

A few things to take away from this:

  • The numbers were slightly erratic; somehow it was quicker to do twice the work with ThreadStaticRandom on .NET 4.0b2! This isn’t the perfect benchmarking machine; we’re interested in trends rather than absolute figures.
  • Locking hasn’t changed much in performance between framework versions
  • ThreadStatic has improved massively between .NET 3.5 and 4.0
  • Even on 3.5, ThreadStatic wins over a global lock as soon as there’s contention

The only downside to the ThreadLocal<T> version is that it requires .NET 4.0 – but the ThreadStatic version works pretty well too.

It’s worth bearing in mind that of course this is testing the highly unusual situation where there’s a lot of contention in the global lock version. The performance difference in the single-threaded version where the lock is always uncontended is still present, but very small.


After reading the comments and thinking further, I would indeed get rid of the static methods elsewhere. Also, for the purposes of dependency injection, I agree that it’s a good idea to have a factory interface where that’s not overkill. The factory implementation could use either the ThreadLocal or ThreadStatic implementations, or effectively use the global lock version (by having its own instance of Random and a lock). In many cases I’d regard that as overkill, however.

One other interesting option would be to create a thread-safe instance of Random to start with, which delegated to thread-local "normal" implementations. That would be very useful from a DI standpoint.

OMG Ponies!!! (Aka Humanity: Epic Fail)

(Meta note: I tried to fix the layout for this, I really did. But my CSS skills are even worse than Tony’s. If anyone wants to send me a complete sample of how I should have laid this out, I’ll fix it up. Otherwise, this is as good as you’re going to get :)

Last week at Stack Overflow DevDays, London I presented a talk on how humanity had made life difficult for software developers. There’s now a video of it on Vimeo – the audio is fairly poor at the very start, but it improves pretty soon. At the very end my video recorder ran out of battery, so you’ve just got my slides (and audio) for that portion. Anyway, here’s my slide deck and what I meant to say. (A couple of times I forgot exactly which slide was coming next, unfortunately.)

Click on any thumbnail for a larger view.

Good afternoon. This talk will be a little different from the others we’ve heard today… Joel mentioned on the podcast a long time ago that I’d talk about something "fun and esoteric" – and while I personally find C# 4 fun, I’m not sure that anyone could really call it esoteric. So instead, I thought I’d rant for half an hour about how mankind has made our life so difficult.

By way of introduction, I’m Jon Skeet. You may know me from questions such as Jon Skeet Facts, Why does Jon Skeet never sleep? and a few C# questions here and there. This is Tony the Pony. He’s a developer, but I’m afraid he’s not a very good one.

(Tony whispers) Tony wants to make it clear that he’s not just a developer. He has another job, as a magician. Are you any better at magic than development then? (Tony whispers) Oh, I see. He’s not very good at magic either – his repertoire is extremely limited. Basically he’s a one trick pony.

Anyway, when it comes to software, Tony gets things done, but he’s not terribly smart. He comes unstuck with some of the most fundamental data types we have to work with. It’s really not his fault though – humanity has let him down by making things just way too complicated.

You see, the problem is that developers are already meant to be thinking about difficult things… coming up with a better widget to frobjugate the scarf handle, or whatever business problem they’re thinking about. They’ve really got enough to deal with – the simple things ought to be simple.

Unfortunately, time and time again we come up against problems with core elements of software engineering. Any resemblance between this slide and the coding horror logo is truly coincidental, by the way. Tasks which initially sound straightforward become insanely complicated. My aim in this talk is to distribute the blame amongst three groups of people.

First, let’s blame users – or mankind as a whole. Users always have an idea that what they want is easy, even if they can’t really articulate exactly what they do want. Even if they can give you requirements, chances are those will conflict – often in subtle ways – with requirements of others. A lot of the time, we wouldn’t even think of these problems as "requirements" – they’re just things that everyone expects to work in "the obvious way". The trouble is that humanity has come up with all kinds of entirely different "obvious ways" of doing things. Mankind’s model of the universe is a surprisingly complicated one.

Next, I want to blame architects. I’m using the word "architect" in a very woolly sense here. I’m trying to describe the people who come up with operating systems, protocols, libraries, standards: things we build our software on top of. These are the people who have carefully considered the complicated model used by real people, stroked their beards, and designed something almost exactly as complicated, but not quite compatible with the original.

Finally, I’m going to blame us – common or garden developers. We have four problems: first, we don’t understand the complex model designed by mankind. Second, we don’t understand the complex model designed by the architects. Third, we don’t understand the applications we’re trying to build. Fourth, even when we get the first three bits right individually, we still screw up when we try to put them together.

For the rest of this talk, I’m going to give three examples of how things go wrong. First, let’s talk about numbers.

You would think we would know how numbers work by now. We’ve all been doing maths since primary school. You’d also think that computers knew how to handle numbers by now – that’s basically what they’re built on. How is it that we can search billions of web pages in milliseconds, but we can’t get simple arithmetic right? How many times are we going to see Stack Overflow questions along the lines of "Is double multiplication broken in .NET?"

I blame evolution.

We have evolved with 8 fingers and 2 thumbs – a total of 10 digits. This was clearly a mistake. It has led to great suffering for developers. Life would have been a lot simpler if we’d only had eight digits.

Admittedly this gives us three bits, which isn’t quite ideal – but having 16 digits (fourteen fingers and two thumbs) or 4 digits (two fingers and two thumbs) could be tricky. At least with eight digits, we’d be able to fit in with binary reasonably naturally. Now just so you don’t think I’m being completely impractical, there’s another solution – we could have just counted up to eight and ignored our thumbs. Indeed, we could even have used thumbs as parity bits. But no, mankind decided to count to ten, and that’s where all the problems started.

Now, Tony – here’s a little puzzle for you. I want you to take a look at this piece of Java code (turn Tony to face screen). (Tony whispers) What do you mean you don’t know Java? All right, here’s the C# code instead…

Is that better? (Tony nods enthusiastically) So, Tony, I want you to tell me the value of d after this line has executed. (Tony whispers)

Tony thinks it’s 0.3 Poor Tony. Why on earth would you think that? Oh dear. Sorry, no it’s not.

No, you were certainly close, but the exact value is:

0.299999 – Well, I’m not going to read it all out, but that’s the exact value. And it is an exact value – the compiler has approximated the 0.3 in the source code to the nearest number which can be exactly represented by a double. It’s not the computer’s fault that we have this bizarre expectation that a number in our source code will be accurately represented internally.

Let’s take a look at two more numbers… 5 and a half in both cases. Now it doesn’t look like these are really different – but they are. Indeed, if I were representing these two numbers in a program, I’d quite possibly use different types for them. The first value is discrete – there’s a single jump from £5.50 to £5.51, and those are exact amounts of money… whereas when we measure the mass of something, we always really mean “to two decimal places” or something similar. Nothing weighs exactly five and a half kilograms. They’re fundamentally different concepts, they just happen to have the same value. What do you do with them? Well, continuous numbers are often best represented as float/double, whereas discrete decimal numbers are usually best represented using a decimal-based type.

Now I’ve ignored an awful lot of things about numbers which can also trip us up – signed and unsigned, overflow, not-a-number values, infinities, normalised and denormal numbers, parsing and formatting, all kinds of stuff. But we should move on. Next stop, text.

Okay, so numbers aren’t as simple as we’d like them to be. Text ought to be easy though, right? I mean, my five year old son can read and write – how hard can it be? One bit of trivia – when I originally copied this out by hand, I missed out "ipsum." Note to self: if you’re going to copy out "lorem ipsum" the two words you really, really need to get at least those words right. Fail.

Of course, I’m sure pretty much everyone here knows that text is actually a pain in the neck. Again, I will blame humanity. Here we have two sets of people using completely different characters, speaking different languages, and quite possibly reading in different directions. Apologies if the characters on the right accidentally spell a rude word, by the way – I just picked a few random Kanji characters from the Unicode charts. (As pointed out in the comments, these aren’t actually Kanji characters anyway. They’re Katakana characters. Doh!) Cultural diversity has screwed over computing, basically.

However, let’s take the fact that we’ve got lots of characters as a given. Unicode sorts all that out, right? Let’s see. Time for a coding exercise – Tony, I’d like you to write some code to reverse a string. (Tony whispers) No, I’m not going to start up Visual Studio for you. (Tony whispers) You’ve magically written it on the next slide? Okay, let’s take a look.

Well, this looks quite promising. We’re taking a string, converting it into a character array, reversing that array, and then building a new string. I’m impressed, Tony – you’ve avoided pointless string concatenation and everything. (Tony is happy.) Unfortunately…

… it’s broken. I’m just going to give one example of how it’s broken – there are lots of others along the same lines. Let’s reverse one of my favourite musicals…

Here’s one way of representing Les Miserables as a Unicode string. Instead of using one code point for the “e acute”, I’ve used a combining character to represent the accent, and then an unaccented ASCII e. Display this in a GUI, and it looks fine… but when we apply Tony’s reversing code…

… the combining character ends up after the e, so we get an “s acute” instead. Sorry Tony. The Unicode designers with their fancy schemes have failed you.

EDIT: In fact, not only have the Unicode designers made things difficult, but so have implementers. You see, I couldn’t remember whether combining characters came before or after base characters, so I wrote a little Windows Forms app to check. That app displayed "Les Misu0301erables" as "Les Misérables". Then, based on the comments below, I checked with the standard – and the Unicode combining marks FAQ indicates pretty clearly that the base character comes before the combining character. Further failure points to both me and someone in Microsoft, unless I’m missing something. Thanks to McDowell for pointing this out in the comments. If I ever give this presentation again, I’ll be sure to point it out. WPF gets it right, by the way. Update: this can be fixed in Windows Forms by setting the UseCompatibleTextRendering property to false (or setting the default to false). Apparently the default is set to false when you create a new WinForms project in VS2008. Shame I tend to write "quick check" programs in a plain text editor…

Of course the basic point about reversal still holds, but with the correct starting string you’d end up with an acute over the r, not the s.

It’s not like the problems are solely in the realm of non-ASCII characters though. I present to you…

A line break. Or rather, one of the representations of a line break. As if the natural cultural diversity of humanity hasn’t caused enough problems, software decided to get involved and have line break diversity. Heck, we’re not even just limited to CR, LF and CRLF – Unicode has its own special line terminator character as well, just for kicks.

To prove this isn’t just a problem for toy examples, here’s something that really bit me, back about 9 or 10 years ago. Here’s some code which tries to do a case-insensitive comparison for the text "MAIL" in Java. Can anyone spot the problem?

It fails in Turkey. This is reasonably well known now – there’s a page about the “Turkey test” encouraging you to try your applications in a Turkish locale – but at the time it was a mystery to me. If you’re not familiar with this, the problem is that if you upper-case an “i” in Turkish, you end up with an “I” with a dot on it. This code went into production, and we had a customer in Turkey whose server was behaving oddly. As you can imagine, if you’re not aware of that potential problem, it can take a heck of a long time to find that kind of bug.

Here’s some code from a newsgroup post. It’s somewhat inefficient code to collapse multiple spaces down to a single one. Leaving aside the inefficiency, it looks like it should work. This was before we had String.Contains, so it’s using IndexOf to check whether we’ve got a double space. While we can find two spaces in a row, we’ll replace any occurrence of two spaces with a single space. We’re assigning the result of string.Replace back to the same variable, so that’s avoided one common problem… so how could this fail?

This string will cause that code to go into a tight loop, due to this evil character here. It’s a "zero-width non-joiner" – basically a hint that the two characters either side of it shouldn’t be squashed up too closely together. IndexOf ignores it, but Replace doesn’t. Ouch.

Now I’m not showing these examples to claim I’m some sort of Unicode expert – I’m really, really not. These are just corner cases I happen to have run into. Just like with numbers, I’ve left out a whole bunch of problems like bidi, encodings, translation, culture-sensitive parsing and the like.

Given the vast array of writing systems the world has come up with – and variations within those systems – any attempt to model text is going to be complicated. The problems come from the inherent complexity, some additional complexity introduced by things like surrogate pairs, and developers simply not having the time to become experts on text processing.

So, we fail at both numbers and text. How about time?

I’m biased when it comes to time-related problems. For the last year or so I’ve been working on the Google’s implementation of ActiveSync, mostly focusing on the calendar side of things. That means I’ve been exposed to more time-based code than most developers… but it’s still a reasonably common area, as you can tell from the number of related questions on Stack Overflow.

To make things slightly simpler, let’s ignore relativity. Let’s pretend that time is linear – after all, most systems are meant to be modelling the human concept of time, which definitely doesn’t include relativity.

Likewise, let’s ignore leap seconds. This isn’t always a good idea, and there are some wrinkles around library support. For example, Java explicitly says that java.util.Date and Calendar may or may not account for leap seconds depending on the host support. So, it’s good to know how predictable that makes our software… I’ve tried reading various explanations of leap seconds, and always ended up with a headache. For the purposes of this talk, I’m going to assert that they don’t exist.

Okay, so let’s start with something simple. Tony, what’s the time on this slide? (Tony whispers) Tony doesn’t want to answer. Anyone? (Audience responds.) Yes, about 5 past 3 on October 28th. So what’s the difference between now and the time on this slide? (Audience response.) No, it’s actually nearly twelve hours… this clock is showing 5 past 3 in the morning. Tony’s answer was actually the right one, in many ways… this slide has a hopeless amount of ambiguity. It’s not as bad as it might be, admittedly. Imagine if it said October 11th… Jeff and Joel would be nearly a month out of sync with the rest of us. And then even if we get the date and the time right, it’s still ambiguous… because of time zones.

Ah, time zones. My favourite source of WTFs. I could rant for hours about them – but I’ll try not to. I’d just like to point out a few of the idiosyncrasies I’ve encountered. Let’s start off with the time zones on this slide. Notice anything strange? (Audience or whisper from Tony) Yes, CST is there three times. Once for Central Standard Time in the US – which is UTC-6. It’s also Central Standard Time in Australia – where it’s UTC+9.30. It’s also Central Summer Time in Australia, where it’s UTC+10.30. I think it takes a special kind of incompetence to use the same acronym in the same place for different offsets.

Then let’s consider time zones changing. One of the problems I face is having to encode or decode a time zone representation from a single pattern – something like "It’s UTC-3 or -2, and daylight savings are applied from the third Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November". That’s all very well until the system changes. Some countries give plenty of warning of this… but on October 7th this year, Argentina announced that it wasn’t going to use daylight saving time any more… 11 days before its next transition. The reason? Their dams are 90% full. I only heard about this due to one of my unit tests failing. For various complicated reasons, a unit test which expected to recognise the time zone for Godthab actually thought it was Buenos Aires. So due to rainfall thousands of miles away, my unit test had moved Greenland into Argentina. Fail.

If you want more time zone incidents, talk to me afterwards. It’s a whole world of pain. I suggest we move away from time zones entirely. In fact, I suggest we adopt a much simpler system of time. I’m proud to present my proposal for coffee time. This is a system which determines the current time based on the answer to the question: "Is it time for coffee?" This is what the clock looks like:

This clock is correct all over the world, is very cheap to produce, and is guaranteed to be accurate forever. Batteries not required.

So where are we?

The real world has failed us. It has concentrated on local simplicity, leading to global complexity. It’s easy to organise a meeting if everyone is in the same time zone – but once you get different continents involved, invariably people get confused. It’s easy to get writing to work uniformly left to right or uniformly right to left – but if you’ve got a mixture, it becomes really hard to keep track of. The diversity which makes humanity such an interesting species is the curse of computing.

When computer systems have tried to model this complexity, they’ve failed horribly. Exhibit A: java.util.Calendar, with its incomprehensible set of precedence rules. Exhibit B: .NET’s date and time API, which until relatively recently didn’t let you represent any time zone other than UTC or the one local to the system.

Developers have, collectively, failed to understand both the models and the real world. We only need one exhibit this time: the questions on Stack Overflow. Developers asking questions around double, or Unicode, or dates and times aren’t stupid. They’ve just been concentrating on other topics. They’ve made an assumption that the core building blocks of their trade would be simple, and it turns out they’re not.

This has all been pretty negative, for which I apologise. I’m not going to claim to have a complete solution to all of this – but I do want to give a small ray of hope. All this complexity can be managed to some extent, if you do three things.

First, try not to take on more complexity than you need. If you can absolutely guarantee that you won’t need to translate your app, it’ll make your life a lot easier. If you don’t need to deal with different time zones, you can rejoice. Of course, if you write a lot of code under a set of assumptions which then changes, you’re in trouble… but quite often you can take the "You ain’t gonna need it" approach.

Next, learn just enough about the problem space so that you know more than your application’s requirements. You don’t need to know everything about Unicode – but you need to be aware of which corner cases might affect your application. You don’t need to know everything about how denormal number representation, but you may well need to know how rounding should be applied in your reports. If your knowledge is just a bit bigger than the code you need to write, you should be able to be reasonably comfortable.

Pick the right platforms and libraries. Yes, there are some crummy frameworks around. There are also some good ones. What’s the canonical answer to almost any question about java.util.Calendar? Use Joda Time instead. There are similar libraries like ICU – written by genuine experts in these thorny areas. The difference a good library can make is absolutely enormous.

None of this will make you a good developer. Tony’s still likely to mis-spell his "main" method through force of habit. You’re still going to get off by one errors. You’re still going to forget to close database connections. But if you can at least get a handle on some of the complexity of software engineering, it’s a start.

Thanks for listening.