Diagnosing an ASP.NET Core hard crash

As part of my church A/V system (At Your Service), I run a separate local web server to interact with the Zoom SDK. Initially this was because the Zoom SDK would only run in 32-bit processes and I needed a 64-bit process to handle the memory requirements for the rest of the app. However, it’s also proven useful in terms of keeping the Zoom meeting for a church service alive if At Your Service crashes. Obviously I try hard to avoid that happening, but when interoperating with a lot of native code (LibVLC, NDI, the Stream Deck, PowerPoint via COM) there are quite a few avenues for crashes. The web server runs ASP.NET Core within a WPF application to make it easy to interact with logs while it’s running, and to give the Zoom SDK a normal event dispatcher.

Yesterday when trying to change my error handling code significantly, I found that the web server was crashing hard, with no obvious trace of what’s going on. I’ve already spent a little time trying to figure out what’s going on, but I couldn’t get to the bottom of it. I know the immediate cause of the crash, and I’ve fixed that fairly easily – but I want to harden the web server against any further bugs I might introduce. I figured it would be useful to blog about that process as I went along.

What I know so far

The immediate crash was due to an exception being thrown in an async void method.

Relevant threading aspects:

  • I start the ASP.NET Core app in a separate thread (although that’s probably unnecessary anyway, now that I think about it) calling IHost.Start
  • I have handlers for Dispatcher.UnhandledException and TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException
  • I execute all Zoom-specific code on the WPF Dispatcher thread

The immediate error came from code like the following. You can ignore the way this effectively reproduces Web API to some extent… it’s the method body that’s important.

public abstract class CommandBase<TRequest, TResponse> : CommandBase
    public override async Task HandleRequest(HttpContext context)
        var reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body);
        var text = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
        var request = JsonUtilities.Parse<TRequest>(text);

        var dispatcher = Application.Current.Dispatcher;
            var response = await dispatcher.Invoke(() => ExecuteAsync(request));
            var responseJson = JsonUtilities.ToJson(response);
            await context.Response.WriteAsync(responseJson);
        catch (ZoomSdkException ex)
            SetExceptionResponse(new ZoomExceptionResponse { /* More info here */ });

        async void SetExceptionResponse(ZoomExceptionResponse response)
            var responseJson = JsonUtilities.ToJson(response);
            await context.Response.WriteAsync(responseJson);
            context.Response.StatusCode = 500;

    public abstract Task<TResponse> ExecuteAsync(TRequest request);

There are at least three problems here:

  • I’m trying to set HttpResponse.StatusCode after writing the body
  • The SetExceptionResponse method is async void (generally a bad idea)
  • I’m not awaiting the call to SetExceptionResponse (which I can’t, due to it returning void)

(It’s also a bit pointless having a local method there. This code could do with being rewritten when I don’t have Covid brain fog, but hey…)

The first of these causes an InvalidOperationException to be thrown. The second and third, between them, cause the app to crash. The debugger has been no help here in working out what’s going on.

Create with a console app to start ASP.NET Core

It feels like this should be really easy to demonstrate in a simple console app that does nothing but start a web server which fails in this particular way.

At this stage I should say how much I love the new top-level statements in C# 10. They make simple complete examples an absolute joy. So let’s create a console app, change the Sdk attribute in the project file to Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web, and see what we can do. I’m aware that with ASP.NET Core 6 there are probably even simpler ways of starting the server, but this will do for now:

using System.Net;

var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(builder => builder
        .ConfigureKestrel((context, options) => options.Listen(IPAddress.Loopback, 8080))
        .Configure(application => application.Run(HandleRequest)))

async Task HandleRequest(HttpContext context)
    await context.Response.WriteAsync("Testing");

Trying to run that initially brought up prompts about IIS Express and trusting SSL certificates – all very normal for a regular web app, but not what I want here. After editing launchSettings.json to a simpler set of settings:

"profiles": {
"AspNetCoreCrash": {
"commandName": "Project"

… I can now start the debugger, then open up localhost:8080 and get the testing page. Great.

Reproduce the exception

Next step: make sure I can throw the InvalidOperationException in the same way as the original code. This is easy, just replacing the body of the HandlRequest method:

async Task HandleRequest(HttpContext context)
    await context.Response.WriteAsync("Testing");
    context.Response.StatusCode = 500;

Sure enough the console logs show that it’s failed as expected:

System.InvalidOperationException: StatusCode cannot be set because the response has already started.
  at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ThrowResponseAlreadyStartedException(String value)
  at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.set_StatusCode(Int32 value)
  at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpResponseFeature.set_StatusCode(Int32 value)
  at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.DefaultHttpResponse.set_StatusCode(Int32 value)
  at Program.<<Main>$>g__HandleRequest|0_1(HttpContext context) in C:\users\skeet\GitHub\jskeet\DemoCode\AspNetCoreCrash\Program.cs:line 19
  at Microsoft.WebTools.BrowserLink.Net.BrowserLinkMiddleware.ExecuteWithFilterAsync(IHttpSocketAdapter injectScriptSocket, String requestId, HttpContext httpContext)
  at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Watch.BrowserRefresh.BrowserRefreshMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
  at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)

… but (again, as expected) the server is still running. It’s interesting that BrowserLink occurs in the stack trace – I suspect that wouldn’t be the case in my

Let’s try making the failure occur in the same way as in At Your Service:

async Task HandleRequest(HttpContext context)
    // In AYS we await executing code in the dispatcher;
    // Task.Yield should take us off the synchronous path.
    await Task.Yield();

    async void WriteError()
        await context.Response.WriteAsync("Testing");
        context.Response.StatusCode = 500;

This time we get a longer stack trace, and the process quits, just like in AYS:

System.InvalidOperationException: StatusCode cannot be set because the response has already started.
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ThrowResponseAlreadyStartedException(String value)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.set_StatusCode(Int32 value)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpResponseFeature.set_StatusCode(Int32 value)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.DefaultHttpResponse.set_StatusCode(Int32 value)
   at Program.c__DisplayClass0_0.<<<Main>$>g__WriteError|4>d.MoveNext() in C:\users\skeet\GitHub\jskeet\DemoCode\AspNetCoreCrash\Program.cs:line 19
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.c.b__128_1(Object state)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.c.b__6_0(QueueUserWorkItemCallback quwi)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunForThreadPoolUnsafe[TState](ExecutionContext executionContext, Action`1 callback, TState& state)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

This happens in both the debugger and when running from the command line.

Setting a break point in the WriteError method shows a stack trace like this:

   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.Start[TStateMachine](TStateMachine& stateMachine)
   at Program.c__DisplayClass0_0.<<Main>$>g__WriteError|4()
   at Program.<<Main>$>g__HandleRequest|0_1(HttpContext context) in C:\users\skeet\GitHub\jskeet\DemoCode\AspNetCoreCrash\Program.cs:line 14
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1.ExecutionContextCallback(Object s)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1.MoveNext(Thread threadPoolThread)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1.AsyncStateMachineBox`1.MoveNext()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.c.b__6_0(Action innerContinuation, Task continuationIdTask)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.ContinuationWrapper.Invoke()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.RunAction(Object state)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

There’s nothing about ASP.NET Core in there at all… so I wonder if we can take that out of the equation too?

Reproducing the crash in a pure console app

To recap, I’m expecting at this stage that to reproduce the crash I should:

  • Write an async void method that throws an exception
  • Call that method from a regular async method

Let’s try:

#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
await NormalAsyncMethod();

async Task NormalAsyncMethod()
    await Task.Yield();
    Console.WriteLine("Start ofNormalAsyncMethod");
    Console.WriteLine("End of NormalAsyncMethod");

async void BrokenAsyncMethod()
    await Task.Yield();
    throw new Exception("Bang");

Hmm. That exits normally:

$ dotnet run
Start ofNormalAsyncMethod
End of NormalAsyncMethod

But maybe there’s a race condition between the main thread finishing and the problem crashing the process? Let’s add a simple sleep:

#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
await NormalAsyncMethod();
// Remainder of code as before

Yup, this time it crashes hard:

Start ofNormalAsyncMethod
End of NormalAsyncMethod
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Bang
   at Program.<<Main>$>g__BrokenAsyncMethod|0_1() in C:\users\skeet\GitHub\jskeet\DemoCode\AspNetCoreCrash\ConsoleCrash\Program.cs:line 15
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_1(Object state)
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

Interlude: what about async Task?

At this point I’m remembering some of what I’ve learned about how async void methods handle exceptions. What happens if we turn it into an async Task method instead? At that point, the Task returned by the method (which we ignore) will have the exception, and as by default unobserved task exceptions no longer crash the process, maybe we’ll be okay. So just changing BrokenAsyncMethod to:

async Task BrokenAsyncMethod()
    throw new Exception("Bang");

(and ignoring the warning at the call site)… the program no longer crashes. (I could subscribe to TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException but I’m not that bothered… I’m pretty convinced it would fire, at least eventually.)

Do all ThreadPool exceptions crash the app?

We don’t need to use async methods to execute code on the thread pool. What happens if we just write a method which throws an exception, and call that from the thread pool?


void ThrowException(object? state)
    throw new Exception("Bang!");

Yup, that crashes:

Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Bang!
   at Program.<<Main>$>g__ThrowException|0_0(Object state) in C:\users\skeet\GitHub\jskeet\DemoCode\AspNetCoreCrash\ConsoleCrash\Program.cs:line 7
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

At this point some readers (if there still are any…) may be surprised that this is a surprise to me. It’s been a long time since I’ve interacted with the thread pool directly, and taking down the process like this feels a little harsh to me. (There are pros and cons, certainly. I’m not trying to argue that Microsoft made the wrong decision here.)

Can we change the ThreadPool behaviour?

Given that we have things like TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException, I’d expect there to be something similar for the thread pool… but I can’t see anything. It looks like this is behaviour that changed with .NET 2.0 – back in 1.x, thread pool exceptions didn’t tear down the application.

After a bit more research, I found AppDomain.UnhandledException. This allows us to react to an exception that’s about to take down the application, but it doesn’t let us mark it as “handled”.

Here’s an example:

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, args) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Unhandled exception: {((Exception)args.ExceptionObject).Message}");

void ThrowException(object? state) =>
    throw new Exception("Bang!");

Running this code a few times, I always get output like this:

Unhandled exception: Bang!
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Bang!
   at Program.<<Main>$>g__ThrowException|0_1(Object state) in C:\users\skeet\GitHub\jskeet\DemoCode\AspNetCoreCrash\ConsoleCrash\Program.cs:line 8
   at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallbackDefaultContext.Execute()
   at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
   at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
   at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

… but sometimes “Done” is printed too. So I guess there’s some uncertainty about how quickly the AppDomain is torn down.

Hardening At Your Service

Given what I know now, I don’t think I can easily stop the web server for Zoom interactions from terminating if I have a bug – but I can make it easier to find that bug afterwards. I already normally write the log out to a text file when the app exits, but that only happens for an orderly shutdown.

Fortunately, it looks like the AppDomain.UnhandledException is given enough time to write the log out before the process terminates. Temporarily reverting to the broken code allows me to test that – and yes, I get a log with an appropriate critical error.


I knew that async void methods were generally bad, but I hadn’t quite appreciated how dangerous they are, particularly when executed from a thread pool thread.

While I’m not thrilled with the final result, I at least understand it now, and can find similar errors more easily in the future. The “not understanding” part was the main motivation for this blog post – given that I’d already found the immediate bug, I could have just fixed it and ignored the worrying lack of diagnostic information… but I always find it tremendously unsettling when I can’t explain significant behaviour. It’s not always worth investigating immediately but it’s generally useful to come back to it later on and keep diving deeper until you’ve got to the bottom of it.

I haven’t put the source code for this blog post in GitHub as there are so many iterations – and because it’s all in the post itself. Shout if you would find it valuable, and I’m happy to add it after all.

Displaying NDI sources on Stream Decks

In the course of my work on our local church A/V system, I’ve spent quite a lot of time playing with Elgato Stream Decks and NDI cameras. It only occurred to me a week or so ago that it would be fun to combine them.

The Stream Deck screens are remarkably capable – they’re 96×96 or 72×72 pixels (depending on the model) and appear to have a decent refresh rate. I tend to think of them just in terms of displaying simple icons or text, but I’d already seen a video of a Stream Deck displaying a video so it wasn’t too much of a leap to display live camera outputs instead.

I should make it clear that I had absolutely no practical reason for doing this – although as it happens, the local tweaks I’ve made to the C# NDI SDK have proved useful in At Your Service for enabling a preview camera view without opening a second NDI network stream.

Tweaking the NDI SDK

The NDI SDK comes with a demo C# sample library. It’s not clear how much this is intended to be for production use, but we’ve been using it in At Your Service for quite a while with very few issues. (We’re pinned at a slightly old version of the runtime due to some smoothness issues with later versions, which I’m hoping the NDI folks will sort out at some point – I’ve given them a diagnostic program to show the issues.)

The SDK comes with a WPF “receive view” which displays a camera in a WPF control, as you’d expect. Now I don’t know enough about WPF to try to use the Stream Deck as an output device for WPF directly. It may be feasible, but it’s beyond my current skillset. However, I was able to reuse parts of the receive view to create a new “display-agnostic” class, effectively just dealing with the fiddly bits of the NDI interop layer and providing video frames (already marshalled to the dispatcher thread) as raw data via an event handler. Multiple consumers can then subscribe to that event and process the frames as they wish – in this case, drawing them to the Stream Deck, but potentially delivering them to multiple displays at the same time.

The simplest image processing imaginable

So, the frames are being delivered to my app in a raw 4-bytes-per-pixel format. How do we draw them on the Stream Deck? I’ve been using StreamDeckSharp which is has been pretty simple and reliable. It has multiple ways of drawing on buttons, but the one we’re interested in here is passing in raw byte arrays in a 3-bytes-per-pixel format. (As it happens, the Stream Deck SDK then needs to encode each frame on each button as a JPEG. It’s a pity that the data can’t be transferred to the Stream Deck in raw form, but hey.) All we need to do is scale the image appropriately.

Again, there may be better ways of doing this, such as asking WPF to write the full frame to a Graphics and performing appropriate resizing along the way. But I figured I’d start off with something simpler – and it turned out to be perfectly adequate. I’m not massively concerned with obtaining the absolute best quality image possible, so rather than using all the pixels and blending them appropriately, I’m just taking a sampling approach: if I’m displaying the original 1920×1080 image on a 96×96 button, I’ll just take 96×96 pixel values with as simple code as I could work out.

In the end, I decided to stick to integer scaling factors and just center the image. So to take the above example, 1080/96 is 11.25, so I take samples that are 11 pixels apart in the original image, trimming the top/bottom borders a little bit (because of the truncation from 11.25 to 11) and the left/right borders a lot (because the buttons are square, and it’s better to crop the image than to letter-box it). What happens if you’ve got an image which is just white dots that are 11 pixels apart, and black everywhere else? You end up with a white image (assuming the dots are aligned with the sampling) – but in a camera image, that doesn’t really happen.

The maths ends up being slightly more fiddly when displaying a frame across several buttons. There are are gaps between the buttons, and while we could just ignore them, it looks very weird if you do – if a straight line crosses multiple buttons, it ends up looking “broken” due to the gap, for example. Instead, if we take the gaps into account as if we were drawing them, it looks fine. The arithmetic here isn’t actually hard in any sense of the word – but it still took me a few goes to get right.

Putting it together

Of course, Stream Deck buttons aren’t just screens: they’re pressable buttons as well. I haven’t gone to down on the user interface here: the left-most column just buttons just displays the NDI sources, and pressing one of those buttons displays that source on the rest of the buttons. That part was really simple – as you’d probably expect it to be.

The initial prototype took about two or three hours to write (bearing in mind I already had experience with both the NDI code and the Stream Deck SDK), and then it took another couple of hours to polish it up a bit and get it ready for publication. The application code is all available on my DemoCode GitHub repository; unfortunately even if you happen to have an NDI camera and a Stream Deck, you won’t be able to use it without my tweaks to the NDI C# code. (If the C# part of the NDI SDK is ever made open source, I’ll happily fork it and include my tweaks there.)

I’ve put a YouTube video of the results. Hope you enjoy them. I’ve had a lot of fun with this project, despite the lack of practical applications for it.

Diagnosing a VISCA camera issue

As I have mentioned before, I’ve been spending a lot of time over the last two years writing code for my local church’s A/V system. (Indeed, I’ve been giving quite a few user group talks recently about the fun I’ve had doing so.) That new A/V system is called “At Your Service”, or AYS for short. I only mention that because it’s simpler to refer to AYS for the rest of this post than “the A/V app”.

Our church now uses three cameras from PTZOptics. They’re all effectively the same model: 30x optical Zoom, Power over Ethernet, with NDI support (which I use for the actual video capture – more about that in a subsequent blog post). I control the cameras using VISCA over TCP/IP, as I’ve blogged about before. At home I have one PTZOptics camera (again, basically the same camera) and a Minrray UV5120A – also 30x optical zoom with NDI support.

Very occasionally, the cameras run into problems: sometimes the VISCA interface comes up, but there’s no NDI stream; sometimes the camera just doesn’t stop panning after I move it. In the early days, when I would only send a VISCA command when I wanted to actually do something, I believe the TCP/IP connection was closed automatically after being idle for an hour.

For these reasons, I now have two connections per camera:

  • One for the main control, which includes a “heartbeat” command of “get current pan/tilt/zoom” issued every three minutes.
  • One for frequent status checking, so that we can tell if the camera itself is online even if the main control connection ends up causing problems. This sends a “get power status” every 5 seconds.

If anything goes wrong, the user can remotely reboot the camera (which creates a whole new TCP/IP connection just in case the existing ones are broken; obviously this doesn’t help if the camera is completely failing in network terms).

This all works pretty well – but my logs sometimes show an error response from the camera – equivalent to an HTTP 400, basically saying “the VISCA command you sent has incorrect syntax”. Yesterday I decided to dedicate some time to working out what was going on, and that’s the topic of this blog post. The actual problem isn’t terribly important – I’d be surprised if more than a handful of readers (if any!) faced the same issue. But I’m always interested in the diagnostic process.

Hack AYS to add more stress

I started off by modifying AYS to make it send more commands to the camera, in two different ways:

  • I modified the frequency of the status check and heartbeat
  • I made each of those also send 100 commands instead of just one
    • First sending the 100 commands one at a time
    • Then changed to sending them as 100 tasks started at the same time and then awaited as a bunch

This increased the rate of error – but not in any nicely reproducible way.

Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have started here. AYS does a lot of other stuff, including quite a lot of initialization on startup (VLC, OBS, Zoom) which makes the feedback loop a lot slower when experimenting. I needed something that was dedicated to just provoking the problem.

Create a dedicated stress test app

It’s worth noting at this point that I’ve got a library (source here) that I’m using to handle the TCP connections and send the commands. This keeps all the knowledge of exactly how VISCA works away from AYS, and makes it reasonably easy to write test code separately from the app. However, it does mean that when something goes wrong, my first expectation is that this is a problem in the library. I always assume my own code is broken before placing the blame elsewhere… and usually that assumption is well-founded.

Despite the changes to AYS not provoking things as much as I’d expected, I still thought concurrency would be the key. How could we overload the camera?

I wrote a simple stress test app to send lots of simple “get power status” requests at the camera, from multiple tasks, and record the number of successful commands vs ones which failed for various different reasons (camera responded with an error; camera violated VISCA itself; command timed out). Initially, I found that some tasks had issued far more requests than others – this turned out to be due to the way that the thread pool (used by tasks in a console app) starts small and gradually expands. A significant chunk of the stress test app is given over to getting all the tasks “ready to go” and releasing them all at the same time.

The stress test app is configurable in a number of ways:

  • The camera IP address and VISCA port
  • Whether to use a single controller object (which means a single TCP connection) or one per task. (The library queues concurrent requests, so any given TCP connection only has a single active command at a time.)
  • How long each task should delay between requests
  • How long each command should wait before timing out
  • How long the test should last overall

At first, the results seemed all over the place. With a single controller, and enough of a delay (or few enough tasks) to avoid commands timing out due to the queuing, I received no errors. With multiple controllers, I saw all kinds of results – some tasks never managing a single request, others with just a few errors, and lots of timeouts.

Oh, and if I overwhelmed the camera too much, it would just reset itself during the test (which involves it tilting up to the ceiling then back down to horizontal). Not quite “halt and catch fire”, but a very physically visible indication of an error. I’m pretty confident I haven’t actually damaged the camera though, and it seems fairly reasonable for it to reset itself in the face of a sort of DoS attack like this stress test.

However, I did spot that I never had a completely clean test with more than one task. I wondered: how low could I take the load and still see problems?

Even with just two tasks, and a half second delay between attempts, I’d reliably see one task have a single error response, and the other task have a command timeout. Aha – we’re getting somewhere.

On a hunch (so often the case with diagnostics) I added console output in the catch blocks to include the time at which the exception was thrown. As I’d started to suspect, it was the very first command that failed, and it failed for both tasks. Now we’re getting somewhere.

What’s special about the first command? We’ve carefully set the system up to start all the tasks sending commands at exactly the same time (as near as the scheduler will allow, anyway) – they may well get out of sync after the first command, as different responses take slightly different lengths of time to come back, but the first commands should be sent pretty much simultaneously.

At this point, I broke out Wireshark – an excellent network protocol analyzer, allowing me to see individual TCP packets. Aside from anything else, this could help to rule out client-side issues: if the TCP packets I sent looked correct, the code sending them was irrelevant.

Sure enough, I saw:

  • Two connections being established
  • The same 5 bytes (the VISCA command: 81 09 04 00 ff) being sent on each connection in two packets about 20 microseconds apart.
  • A 4 byte response (a VISCA error: 90 60 02 ff) being sent down the first connection 10ms later
  • No data being sent down the second connection

That explained the “error on one, timeout on the other” behaviour I’d observed at the client side.

Test the other camera

Now that I could reliably reproduce the bug, I wondered – what does the Minrray camera do?

I expected it to have the same problem. I’m aware that there are a number of makes of camera that use very similar hardware – PTZOptics, Minrray, SMTAV, Zowietek for example. While they all have slightly different firmware and user interfaces, I expected that the core functionality of the camera would be common code.

I was wrong I have yet to reproduce the issue with the Minrray camera – even throwing 20 tasks at it, with only a millisecond delay between commands, I’ve seen no errors.

Report the bug

So, it looks like this may be a bug in the PTZOptics firmware. At first I was reluctant to go to the trouble of reporting the bug, given that it’s a real edge case. (I suspect relatively few people using these cameras connect more than one TCP stream to them over VISCA.) However, I received encouragement on Twitter, and I’ve had really good support experiences with PTZOptics, so I thought it worth having a go.

While my stress test app is much simpler than AYS, it’s definitely not a minimal example to demonstrate the problem. It’s 100 lines long and requires a separate library. Fortunately, all of the code for recording different kinds of failures, and starting tasks to loop for a while, etc – that’s all unnecessary when trying to just demonstrate the problem. Likewise I don’t need to worry about queuing commands on a single connection if I’m only sending a single command down each; I don’t need any of the abstraction that my library contains.

Instead, I boiled it down to this – 30 lines (of which several are comments or whitespace) that just sends two commands “nearly simultaneously” on separate connections and shows the response returned on the the first connection.

using System.Net.Sockets;

string host = "";
int port = 5678;

byte[] getPowerCommand = { 0x81, 0x09, 0x04, 0x00, 0xff };

// Create two clients - these will connect immediately
var client1 = new TcpClient(host, port);
client1.NoDelay = true;
var stream1 = client1.GetStream();

var client2 = new TcpClient(host, port);
client2.NoDelay = true;
var stream2 = client2.GetStream();

// Write the "get power" command to both sockets as close to simultaneously as we can

// Read the response from the first client
var buffer = new byte[10];
int bytesRead = stream1.Read(buffer);
// Print it out in hex.
// This is an error: 90-60-02-FF
// This is success: 90-50-02-FF

// Note: this sample doesn't read from stream2, but basically when the bug strikes,
// there's nothing to read: the camera doesn't respond.

Simple but effectively – it reliably reproduces the error on the PTZOptics camera, and shows no problems on the Minrray.

I included that with the bug report, and have received a response from PTZOptics already, saying they’re looking into it. I don’t expect a new firmware version with a fix in any time soon – but I hope it might be in their next firmware update… and at least now I can test that easily.


This was classic diagnostic work:

  • Go from complex code to simple code
  • Try lots of configurations to try to make sense of random-looking data
  • Follow hunches and get more information
  • Use all the tools at your disposal (Wireshark in this case) to isolate the problem as far as possible
  • Once you understand the problem (even if you can’t fix it), write code designed specifically to reproduce it simply

Hope you found this as interesting as I did! Next (this weekend, hopefully): displaying the video output of these cameras on a Stream Deck…

What’s up with TimeZoneInfo on .NET 6? (Part 1)

.NET 6 was released in November 2021, and includes two new types which are of interest to date/time folks: DateOnly and TimeOnly. (Please don’t add comments saying you don’t like the names.) We want to support these types in Noda Time, with conversions between DateOnly and LocalDate, and TimeOnly and LocalTime. To do so, we’ll need a .NET-6-specific target.

Even as a starting point, this is slightly frustrating – we had conditional code differentiating between .NET Framework and PCLs for years, and we finally removed it in 2018. Now we’re having to reintroduce some. Never mind – it can’t be helped, and this is at least simple conditional code.

Targeting .NET 6 requires the .NET 6 SDK of course – upgrading to that was overdue anyway. That wasn’t particularly hard, although it revealed some additional nullable reference type warnings that needed fixing, almost all in tests (or in IComparable.Compare implementations).

Once everything was working locally, and I’d updated CI to use .NET 6 as well, I figured I’d be ready to start on the DateOnly and TimeOnly support. I was wrong. The pull request intending just to support .NET 6 with absolutely minimal changes failed its unit tests in CI running on Linux. There were 419 failures out of a total of 19334. Ouch! It looked like all of them were in BclDateTimeZoneTest – and fixing those issues is what this post is all about.

Yesterday (at the time of writing – by the time this post is finished it may be in the more distant past) I started trying to look into what was going on. After a little while, I decided that this would be worth blogging about – so most of this post is actually written as I discover more information. (I’m hoping that folks find my diagnostic process interesting, basically.)

Time zones in Noda Time and .NET

Let’s start with a bit of background about how time zones are represented in .NET and Noda Time.

In .NET, time zones are represented by the TimeZoneInfo class (ignoring the legacy TimeZone class). The data used to perform the underlying calculation of “what’s the UTC offset at a given instant in this time zone” are exposed via the GetAdjustmentRules() method, returning an array of the nested TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule class. TimeZoneInfo instances are usually acquired via either TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(), TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones(), or the TimeZoneInfo.Local static property. On Windows the information is populated from the Windows time zone database (which I believe is in the registry); on Linux it’s populated from files, typically in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory. For example, the file /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London file contains information about the time zone with the ID “Europe/London”.

In Noda Time, we separate time zones from their providers. There’s an abstract DateTimeZone class, with one public derived class (BclDateTimeZone) and various internal derived classes (FixedDateTimeZone, CachedDateTimeZone, PrecalculatedDateTimeZone) in the main NodaTime package. There are also two public implementations in the NodaTime.Testing package. Most code shouldn’t need to use anything other than DateTimeZone – the only reason BclDateTimeZone is public is to allow users to obtain the original TimeZoneInfo instance that any given BclDateTimeZone was created from.

Separately, there’s an IDateTimeZoneProvider interface. This only has a single implementation normally: DateTimeZoneCache. That cache makes that underlying provider code simpler, as it only has to implement IDateTimeZoneSource (which most users never need to touch). There are two implementations of IDateTimeZoneSource: BclDateTimeZoneSource and TzdbDateTimeZoneSource. The BCL source is for interop with .NET: it uses TimeZoneInfo as a data source, and basically adapts it into a Noda Time representation. The TZDB source implements the IANA time zone database – there’s a “default” set of data built into Noda Time, but you can also load specific data should you need to. (Noda Time uses the term “TZDB” everywhere for historical reasons – when the project started in 2009, IANA wasn’t involved at all. In retrospect, it would have been good to change the name immediately when IANA did get involved in 2011 – that was before the 1.0 release in 2012.)

This post is all about how BclDateTimeZone handles the adjustment rules in TimeZoneInfo. Unfortunately the details of TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule have never been very clearly documented (although it’s better now – see later), and I’ve blogged before about their strange behaviour. The source code for BclDateTimeZone has quite a few comments explaining “unusual” code that basically tries to make up for this. Over the course of writing this post, I’ll be adding some more.

Announced TimeZoneInfo changes in .NET 6

I was already aware that there might be some trouble brewing in .NET 6 when it came to Noda Time, due to enhancements announced when .NET 6 was released. To be clear, I’m not complaining about these enhancements. They’re great for the vast majority of users: you can call TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById with either an IANA time zone ID (e.g. “Europe/London”) or a Windows time zone ID (e.g. “GMT Standard Time” for the UK, even when it’s not on standard time) and it will return you the “right” time zone, converting the ID if necessary. I already knew I’d need to check what Noda Time was doing and exactly how .NET 6 behaved, to avoid problems.

I suspect that the subject of this post is actually caused by this change though:

Two other minor improvements were made to how adjustment rules are populated from IANA data internally on non-Windows operating systems. They don’t affect external behavior, other than to ensure correctness in some edge cases.

Ensure correctness, eh? They don’t affect external behavior? Hmm. Given what I’ve already seen, I’m pretty sure I’m going to disagree with that assessment. Still, let’s plough on.

Getting started

The test errors in CI (via GitHub actions) seemed to fall into two main buckets, on a very brief inspection:

  • Failure to convert a TimeZoneInfo into a BclDateTimeZone at all (BclDateTimeZone.FromTimeZoneInfo() throwing an exception)
  • Incorrect results when using a BclDateTimeZone that has been converted. (We validate that BclDateTimeZone gives the same UTC offsets as TimeZoneInfo around all the transitions that we’ve detected, and we check once a week for about 100 years as well, just in case we missed any transitions.)

The number of failures didn’t bother me – this is the sort of thing where a one-line change can fix hundreds of tests. But without being confident of where the problem was, I didn’t want to start a “debugging via CI” cycle – that’s just awful.

I do have a machine that can dual boot into Linux, but it’s only accessible when I’m in my shed (as opposed to my living room or kitchen), making it slightly less convenient for debugging than my laptop. But that’s not the only option – there’s WSL 2 which I hadn’t previously looked at. This seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Installing WSL 2 was a breeze, including getting the .NET 6 SDK installed. There’s one choice I’ve made which may or may not be the right one: I’ve cloned the Noda Time repo within Linux, so that when I’m running the tests there it’s as close to being on a “regular” Linux system as normal. I can still use Visual Studio to edit the files (via the WSL mount point of \\wsl.localhost), but it’ll be slightly fiddly to manage. The alternative would be to avoid cloning any of the source code within the Linux file system, instead running the tests from WSL against the source code on the Windows file system. I may change my mind over the best approach half way through…

First, the good news: running the tests against the netcoreapp3.1 target within WSL 2, everything passed first time. Hooray!

Now the bad news: I didn’t get the same errors in WSL 2 that I’d seen in CI. Instead of 419, there were 1688! Yikes. They were still all within BclDateTimeZoneTest though, so I didn’t investigate that discrepancy any further – it may well be a difference in terms of precise SDK versions, or Linux versions. We clearly want everything to work on WSL 2, so let’s get that working first and see what happens in CI. (Part of me does want to understand the differences, to avoid a situation where the tests could pass in CI but not in WSL 2. I may come back to that later, when I understand everything more.)

First issue: abutting maps

The first exception reported in WSL 2 – accounting for the majority of errors – was a conversion failure:

NodaTime.Utility.DebugPreconditionException : Maps must abut (parameter name: maps)

The “map” in question is a PartialZoneIntervalMap, which maps instants to offsets over some interval of time. A time zone (at least for BclDateTimeZone) is created from a sequence of PartialZoneIntervalMaps, where the end of map n is the start of map n+1. The sequence has to cover the whole of time.

As it happens, by the time I’m writing this, I know what the immediate problem is here (because I fixed it last night, before starting to write this blog post) but in the interests of simplicity I’m going to effectively ignore what I did last night, beyond this simplified list:

  • I filtered the tests down to a single time zone (to get a smaller log)
  • I added more information to the exception (showing the exact start/end that were expected to be the same)
  • I added Console.WriteLine logging to BclDateTimeZone construction to dump a view of the adjustment rules
  • I observed and worked around an oddity that we’ll look at shortly

Looking at this now, the fact that it’s a DebugPreconditionException makes me wonder whether this is the difference between CI and local failures: for CI, we run in release mode. Let’s try running the tests in release mode… and yes, we’re down to 419 failures, the same as for CI! That’s encouraging, although it suggests that I might want CI to run tests in debug as well as release mode – at least when the main branch has been updated.

Even before the above list of steps, it seemed likely that the problems would be due changes in the adjustment rule representation in TimeZoneInfo. So at this point, let’s take a steps back and look at what’s meant to be in an adjustment rule, and what we observe in both .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6.

What’s in an AdjustmentRule?

An adjustment rule covers an interval of time, and describes how the time zone behaves during that interval. (A bit like the PartialZoneIntervalMap mentioned above.)

Let’s start with some good news: it looks like the documentation for TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule has been improved since I last looked at it. It has 6 properties:

  • BaseUtcOffsetDelta: this is only present in .NET 6, and indicates the difference between “the UTC offset of Standard Time returned by TimeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset” and “the UTC offset of Standard Time when this adjustment rule is active”. Effectively this makes up for Windows time zones historically not being able to represent the concept of a zone’s standard time changing.
  • DateStart/DateEnd: the date interval during which the rule applies.
  • DaylightDelta: the delta between standard time and daylight time during this rule. This is typically one hour.
  • DaylightTransitionStart/DaylightTransitionEnd: the information about when the time zone starts and ends daylight saving time (DST) while this rule is in force.

Before we go into the details of DST, there are two “interesting” aspects to DateStart/DateEnd:

Firstly, the documentation doesn’t say whether the rule applies between those UTC dates, or those local dates. I believe they’re local – but that’s an awkard way of specifying things, as local date/time values can be skipped or ambiguous. I really wish this has been set to UTC, and documented as such. Additionally, although you’d expect the transition from one rule to the next to be at midnight (given that only the start/end are only dates), the comments in my existing BclDateTimeZone code suggest that it’s actually at a time of day that depends on the DST transitions times. (It’s very possible that my code is wrong, of course. We’ll look at that in a bit.)

Secondly, the documentation includes this interesting warning (with an example which I’ve snipped out):

Unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise, you should define the adjustment rule’s start date to occur within the time interval during which the time zone observes standard time. Unless there is a compelling reason to do so, you should not define the adjustment rule’s start date to occur within the time interval during which the time zone observes daylight saving time.

Why? What is likely to go wrong if you violate this? This sort of “here be dragons, but only vaguely specified ones” documentation always feels unhelpful to me. (And yes, I’ve probably written things like that too…)

Anyway, let’s look at the TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime struct, which is the type of DaylightTransitionStart and DaylightTransitionEnd. The intention is to be able to represent ideas like “3am on February 25th” or “2am on the third Sunday in October”. The first of these is a fixed date rule; the second is a floating date rule (because the day-of-month of “the third Sunday in October” depends on the year). TransitionTime is a struct with 6 properties:

  • IsFixedDateRule: true for fixed date rules; false for floating date rules
  • Day (only relevant for fixed date rules): the day-of-month on which the transition occurs
  • DayOfWeek (only relevant for floating date rules): the day-of-week on which the transition occurs
  • Week (only relevant for floating date rules): confusingly, this isn’t really “the week of the month” on which the transition occurs; it’s “the occurrence of DayOfWeek on which the transition occurs”. (The idea of a “Monday to Sunday” or “Sunday to Saturday” week is irrelevant here; it’s just “the first Sunday” or “the second Sunday” etc.) If this has a value of 5, it means “last” regardless of whether that’s the fourth or fifth occurrence.
  • Month the month of year in which the transition occurs
  • TimeOfDay: the local time of day prior to the transition, at which the transition occurs. (So for a transition that skips forward from 1am to 2am for example, this would be 1am. For a transition that skips back from 2am to 1am, this would be 2am.)

Let’s look at the data

From here on, I’m writing and debugging at the same time – any stupid mistakes I make along the way will be documented. (I may go back to indicate that it turned out an idea was stupid at the start of that idea, just to avoid anyone else following it.)

Rather than trying to get bogged down in what the existing Noda Time implementation does, I think it would be useful to compare the data for the same time zone in Windows and Linux, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6.

Aha! It looks like I’ve had this idea before! The tool already exists as NodaTime.Tools.DumpTimeZoneInfo. I just need to target it for .NET 6 as well, and add the .NET-6-only BaseUtcOffsetDelta property the completeness.

Interlude: WSL 2 root file issues

Urgh. For some reason, something (I suspect it’s Visual Studio or a background process launched by it, but I’m not sure) keeps on creating files (or modifying existing files) so they’re owned by the root user on the Linux file system. Rather than spending ages investigating this, I’m just going to switch to the alternative mode: use my existing git repo on the Windows file system, and run the code that’s there from WSL when I need to.

(I’m sure this is all configurable and feasible; I just don’t have the energy right now.)

Back to the data…

I’m going to use London as my test time zone, mostly because that’s the time zone I live in, but also because I know it has an interesting oddity between 1968 and 1971, where the UK was on “British Standard Time” – an offset of UTC+1, like “British Summer Time” usually is, but this was “permanent standard time”. In other words, for a few years, our standard UTC offset changed. I’m expecting that to show up in the BaseUtcOffsetDelta property.

So, let’s dump some of the data for the Europe/London time zone, with both .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6. The full data is very long (due to how the data is represented in the IANA binary format) but here are interesting portions of it, including the start, the British Standard Time experiment, this year (2022) and the last few lines:

.NET Core 3.1:

Zone ID: Europe/London
Display name: (UTC+00:00) GMT
Standard name: GMT
Daylight name: GMT+01:00
Base offset: 00:00:00
Supports DST: True
0001-01-01 - 1847-12-01: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends December 01 at 00:01:14
1847-12-01 - 1916-05-21: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts December 01 at 00:01:15 and ends May 21 at 01:59:59
1916-05-21 - 1916-10-01: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 21 at 02:00:00 and ends October 01 at 02:59:59
1916-10-01 - 1917-04-08: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 01 at 02:00:00 and ends April 08 at 01:59:59
1967-03-19 - 1967-10-29: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 19 at 02:00:00 and ends October 29 at 02:59:59
1967-10-29 - 1968-02-18: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 29 at 02:00:00 and ends February 18 at 01:59:59
1968-02-18 - 1968-10-26: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts February 18 at 02:00:00 and ends October 26 at 23:59:59
1968-10-26 - 1971-10-31: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 26 at 23:00:00 and ends October 31 at 01:59:59
1971-10-31 - 1972-03-19: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 31 at 02:00:00 and ends March 19 at 01:59:59
1972-03-19 - 1972-10-29: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 19 at 02:00:00 and ends October 29 at 02:59:59
1972-10-29 - 1973-03-18: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 29 at 02:00:00 and ends March 18 at 01:59:59
2022-03-27 - 2022-10-30: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 27 at 01:00:00 and ends October 30 at 01:59:59
2022-10-30 - 2023-03-26: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 30 at 01:00:00 and ends March 26 at 00:59:59
2036-03-30 - 2036-10-26: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 30 at 01:00:00 and ends October 26 at 01:59:59
2036-10-26 - 2037-03-29: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 26 at 01:00:00 and ends March 29 at 00:59:59
2037-03-29 - 2037-10-25: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 29 at 01:00:00 and ends October 25 at 01:59:59
2037-10-25 - 9999-12-31: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts October 25 at 01:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59

.NET 6:

Zone ID: Europe/London
Display name: (UTC+00:00) United Kingdom Time
Standard name: Greenwich Mean Time
Daylight name: British Summer Time
Base offset: 00:00:00
Supports DST: True
0001-01-01 - 0001-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: -00:01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
0002-01-01 - 1846-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: -00:01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1847-01-01 - 1847-12-01: Base UTC offset delta: -00:01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends December 01 at 00:01:14.999
1916-05-21 - 1916-10-01: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 21 at 02:00:00 and ends October 01 at 02:59:59.999
1917-04-08 - 1917-09-17: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 08 at 02:00:00 and ends September 17 at 02:59:59.999
1918-03-24 - 1918-09-30: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 24 at 02:00:00 and ends September 30 at 02:59:59.999
1967-03-19 - 1967-10-29: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 19 at 02:00:00 and ends October 29 at 02:59:59.999
1968-02-18 - 1968-10-26: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts February 18 at 02:00:00 and ends October 26 at 23:59:59.999
1968-10-26 - 1968-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 26 at 23:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1969-01-01 - 1970-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1971-01-01 - 1971-10-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends October 31 at 01:59:59.999
1972-03-19 - 1972-10-29: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 19 at 02:00:00 and ends October 29 at 02:59:59.999
1973-03-18 - 1973-10-28: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 18 at 02:00:00 and ends October 28 at 02:59:59.999
2022-03-27 - 2022-10-30: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 27 at 01:00:00 and ends October 30 at 01:59:59.999
2037-03-29 - 2037-10-25: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 29 at 01:00:00 and ends October 25 at 01:59:59.999
2037-10-25 - 9999-12-31: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts Last Sunday of March; 01:00:00 and ends Last Sunday of October; 02:00:00

Wow… that’s quite a difference. Let’s see:

  • The names (display/standard/daylight) are all different – definitely better in .NET 6.
  • .NET 6 appears to have one rule for the year 1, and then another (but identical) for years 2 to 1846
  • .NET 6 doesn’t have any rules between 1847 and 1916
  • .NET 6 only uses one rule per year, starting and ending at the DST boundaries; .NET Core 3.1 had one rule for each transition
  • The .NET Core 3.1 rules end at 59 minutes past the hour (e.g. 01:59:59) whereas the .NET 6 rules finish 999 milliseconds later

Fixing the code

So my task is to “interpret” all of this rule data in Noda Time, bearing in mind that:

  • It needs to work with Windows data as well (which has its own quirks)
  • It probably shouldn’t change logic based on which target framework it was built against, as I suspect it’s entirely possible
    for the DLL targeting .NET Standard 2.0 to end up running in .NET 6.

We do already have code that behaves differently based on whether it believes
the rule data comes from Windows or Unix – Windows rules always start on January 1st and end on December 31st, so if all
the rules in a zone follow that pattern, we assume we’re dealing with Windows data. That makes it slightly easier.

Likewise, we already have code that assumes any gaps between rules are in standard time – so actually the fact that .NET 6 only reports half as many rules probably won’t cause a problem.

Let’s start by handling the difference of transitions finishing at x:59:59 vs x:59:59.999. The existing code always adds 1 second to the end time, to account for x:59:59. It’s easy enough to adjust that to add either 1 second or 1 millisecond. This error was what caused our maps to have problems, I suspect. (We’d have a very weird situation in a few cases where one map started after the previous one ended.)

// This is added to the declared end time, so that it becomes an exclusive upper bound.
var endTimeCompensation = Duration.FromSeconds(1) - Duration.FromMilliseconds(bclLocalEnd.Millisecond);

Let’s try it: dotnet test -f net6.0

Good grief. Everything passed. Better try it with 3.1 as well: dotnet test -f netcoreapp3.1

Yup, everything passed there, too. And on Windows, although that didn’t surprise me much, given that we have separate paths.

This surprises me for two reasons:

  • Last night, when just experimenting, I made a change to just subtract bclLocalEnd.Millisecond milliseconds from bclLocalEnd (i.e. truncate it down). That helped a lot, but didn’t fix everything.
  • The data has changed really quite substantially, so I’m surprised that there aren’t extra issues. Do we get the “standard offset” correct during the British Standard Time experiment, for example?

I’m somewhat suspicious of the first bullet point… so I’m going to stash the fix, and try to reproduce last night.

Testing an earlier partial fix (or not…)

First, I remember that I did something I definitely wanted to keep last night. When adjacent maps don’t abut, let’s throw a better exception.

So before I do anything else, let’s reproduce the original errors: dotnet test -f net6.0

Ah. It still passes. Doh! When I thought I was running the .NET 6 tests under Linux, it turned out I was still in a Windows tab in Windows Terminal. (I use bash in all my terminals, so there’s not quite as much distinction as you might expect.) Well, that at least explains why the small fix worked rather better than expected. Sigh.

Okay, let’s rerun the tests… and they fail as expected. Now let’s add more details to the exception before reapplying the fix… done.

The resulting exception is clearer, and makes it obvious that the error is due to the 999ms discrepancy:

NodaTime.Utility.DebugPreconditionException : Maps must abut: 0002-01-01T00:00:00.999 != 0002-01-01T00:00:00

Let’s reapply the fix from earlier, which we expect to solve that problem but not everything. Retest… and we’re down to 109 failures rather than 1688. Much better, but not great.

Let’s understand one new error

We’re still getting errors of non-abutting maps, but now they’re (mostly) an hour out, rather than 999ms. Here’s one from Europe/Prague:

NodaTime.Utility.DebugPreconditionException : Maps must abut: 1947-01-01T00:00:00 != 1946-12-31T23:00:00

Most errors are in the 20th century, although there are some in 2038 and 2088, which is odd. Let’s have a look at the raw data for Prague around the time that’s causing problems, and we can see whether fixing just Prague helps with anything else.

.NET 6 data:

1944-04-03 - 1944-10-02: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 03 at 02:00:00 and ends October 02 at 02:59:59.999
1945-04-02 - 1945-05-08: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 02 at 02:00:00 and ends May 08 at 23:59:59.999
1945-05-08 - 1945-10-01: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 08 at 23:00:00 and ends October 01 at 02:59:59.999
1946-05-06 - 1946-10-06: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 06 at 02:00:00 and ends October 06 at 02:59:59.999
1946-12-01 - 1946-12-31: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts December 01 at 03:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1947-01-01 - 1947-02-23: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends February 23 at 01:59:59.999
1947-04-20 - 1947-10-05: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 20 at 02:00:00 and ends October 05 at 02:59:59.999
1948-04-18 - 1948-10-03: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 18 at 02:00:00 and ends October 03 at 02:59:59.999
1949-04-09 - 1949-10-02: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 09 at 02:00:00 and ends October 02 at 02:59:59.999
1979-04-01 - 1979-09-30: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 01 at 02:00:00 and ends September 30 at 02:59:59.999

This is interesting – most years have just one rule, but the three years of 1945-1947 have two rules each.

Let’s look at the .NET Core 3.1 representation – which comes from the same underlying file, as far as I’m aware:

1944-10-02 - 1945-04-02: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 02 at 02:00:00 and ends April 02 at 01:59:59
1945-04-02 - 1945-05-08: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 02 at 02:00:00 and ends May 08 at 23:59:59
1945-05-08 - 1945-10-01: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 08 at 23:00:00 and ends October 01 at 02:59:59
1945-10-01 - 1946-05-06: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 01 at 02:00:00 and ends May 06 at 01:59:59
1946-05-06 - 1946-10-06: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 06 at 02:00:00 and ends October 06 at 02:59:59
1946-10-06 - 1946-12-01: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 06 at 02:00:00 and ends December 01 at 02:59:59
1946-12-01 - 1947-02-23: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts December 01 at 03:00:00 and ends February 23 at 01:59:59
1947-02-23 - 1947-04-20: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts February 23 at 03:00:00 and ends April 20 at 01:59:59
1947-04-20 - 1947-10-05: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 20 at 02:00:00 and ends October 05 at 02:59:59
1947-10-05 - 1948-04-18: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 05 at 02:00:00 and ends April 18 at 01:59:59
1948-04-18 - 1948-10-03: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 18 at 02:00:00 and ends October 03 at 02:59:59
1948-10-03 - 1949-04-09: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 03 at 02:00:00 and ends April 09 at 01:59:59
1949-04-09 - 1949-10-02: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 09 at 02:00:00 and ends October 02 at 02:59:59
1949-10-02 - 1978-12-31: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 02 at 02:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59
1979-01-01 - 1979-04-01: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends April 01 at 01:59:59

Okay, so that makes a certain amount of sense – it definitely shows that there was something unusual happening in the Europe/Prague time zone. Just as one extra point of data, let’s look at the nodatime.org tzvalidate results – this shows all transitions. (tzvalidate is a format designed to allow authors of time zone library code to validate that they’re interpreting the IANA data the same way as each other.)

Initially:           +01:00:00 standard CET
1944-04-03 01:00:00Z +02:00:00 daylight CEST
1944-10-02 01:00:00Z +01:00:00 standard CET
1945-04-02 01:00:00Z +02:00:00 daylight CEST
1945-10-01 01:00:00Z +01:00:00 standard CET
1946-05-06 01:00:00Z +02:00:00 daylight CEST
1946-10-06 01:00:00Z +01:00:00 standard CET
1946-12-01 02:00:00Z +00:00:00 daylight GMT
1947-02-23 02:00:00Z +01:00:00 standard CET
1947-04-20 01:00:00Z +02:00:00 daylight CEST
1947-10-05 01:00:00Z +01:00:00 standard CET
1948-04-18 01:00:00Z +02:00:00 daylight CEST
1948-10-03 01:00:00Z +01:00:00 standard CET
1949-04-09 01:00:00Z +02:00:00 daylight CEST
1949-10-02 01:00:00Z +01:00:00 standard CET

Again there’s that odd period from December 1946 to near the end of February 1947 where there’s daylight savings of -1 hour. I’m not interested in the history of that right now – I’m interested in why the code is failing.

In this particular case, it looks like the problem is we’ve got two adjacent rules in .NET 6 (one at the end of 1946 and the other at the start of 1947) which both just describe periods of daylight saving.

If we can construct the maps to give the right results, Noda Time already has code in to work out “that’s okay, there’s no transition at the end of 1946”. But we need to get the maps right to start with.

Unfortunately, BclDateTimeZone already has complicated code to handle the previously-known corner cases. That makes the whole thing feel quite precarious – I could easily end up breaking other things by trying to fix this one specific aspect. Still, that’s what unit tests are for.

Looking at the code, I suspect the problem is with the start time of the first rule of 1947, which I’d expect to start at 1947-01-01T00:00:00Z, but is actually deemed to start at 1946-12-31T23:00:00Z. (In the course of writing that out, I notice that my improved-abutting-error exception doesn’t include the “Z”. Fix that now…)

Ah… but the UTC start of the rule is currently expected to be “the start date + the transition start time – base UTC offset”. That does give 1946-12-31T23:00:00Z. We want to apply the daylight savings (of -1 hour) in this case, because the start of the rule is during daylight savings. Again, there’s no documentation to say exactly what is meant by “start date” for the rule, and hopefully you can see why it’s really frustrating to have to try to reverse-engineer this in a version-agnostic way. Hmm.

Seeking an unambiguous and independent interpretation of AdjustmentRule

It’s relatively easy to avoid the “maps don’t abut” issue if we don’t care about really doing the job properly. After converting each AdjustmentRule to its Noda Time equivalent, we can look at rule pair of adjacent rules in the sequence: if the start of the “next” rule is earlier than the end of the “previous” rule, we can just adjust the start point. But that’s really just brushing the issue under the carpet – and as it happens, it just moves the exception to a different point.

That approach also requires knowledge of surrounding adjustment rules in order to completely understand one adjustment rule. That really doesn’t feel right to me. We should be able to understand the adjustment rule purely from the data exposed by that rule and the properties for the TimeZoneInfo itself. The code is already slightly grubby by calling TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(). If I could work out how to remove that call too, that would be great. (It may prove infeasible to remove it for .NET Core 3.1, but feasible in 6. That’s not too bad. Interesting question: if the “grubby” code still works in .NET 6, is it better to use conditional code so that only the “clean” code is used in .NET 6, or avoid the conditional code? Hmm. We’ll see.)

Given that the rules in both .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6 effectively mean that the start and end points are exactly the start and end points of DST (or other) transitions, I should be able to gather a number of examples of source data and expected results, and try to work out rules from that. In particular, this source data should include:

  • “Simple” situations (partly as a warm-up…)
  • Negative standard time offset (e.g. US time zones)
  • Negative savings (e.g. Prague above, and Europe/Dublin from 1971 onwards)
  • DST periods that cross year boundaries (primarily the southern hemisphere, e.g. America/Sao_Paulo)
  • Zero savings, but still in DST (Europe/Dublin before 1968)
  • Standard UTC offset changes (e.g. Europe/London 1968-1971, Europe/Moscow from March 2011 to October 2014)
  • All of the above for both .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6, including the rules which represent standard time in .NET Core 3.1 but which are omitted in .NET 6

It looks like daylight periods which cross year boundaries are represented as single rules in .NET Core 3.1 and dual rules in .NET 6, so we’ll need to take that into account. In those cases we’ll need to map to two Noda Time rules, and we don’t mind where the transition between them is, so long as they abut. In general, working out the zone intervals that are relevant for a single year may require multiple lines of data from each source. (But we must be able to infer some of that from gaps, and other parts from individual source rules.)

Fortunately we’re not trying to construct “full rules” within Noda Time – just ZoneInterval values, effectively. All we need to be able to determine is:

  • Start instant
  • End instant
  • Standard offset
  • Daylight savings (if any)

When gathering the data, I’m going to assume that using the existing Noda Time interpretation of the IANA data is okay. That could be dangerous if either .NET interprets the data incorrectly, or if the Linux data isn’t the same as the IANA 2021e data I’m working from. There are ways to mitigate those risks, but they would be longwinded and I don’t think the risk justifies the extra work.

What’s absolutely vital is that the data is gathered carefully. If I mess this up (looking at the wrong time zone, or the wrong year, or running some code on Windows that I meant to run on Linux – like the earlier tests) it could several hours of work. This will be tedious.

Let’s gather some data…

Europe/Paris in 2020:
.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = 1
2019-10-27 - 2020-03-29: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 27 at 02:00:00 and ends March 29 at 01:59:59
2020-03-29 - 2020-10-25: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 29 at 02:00:00 and ends October 25 at 02:59:59
2020-10-25 - 2021-03-28: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 25 at 02:00:00 and ends March 28 at 01:59:59

.NET 6:
Base offset = 1
2019-03-31 - 2019-10-27: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 31 at 02:00:00 and ends October 27 at 02:59:59.999
2020-03-29 - 2020-10-25: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 29 at 02:00:00 and ends October 25 at 02:59:59.999
2021-03-28 - 2021-10-31: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 28 at 02:00:00 and ends October 31 at 02:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals (start - end, standard, savings):
2019-10-27T01:00:00Z - 2020-03-29T01:00:00Z, +1, +0
2020-03-29T01:00:00Z - 2020-10-25T01:00:00Z, +1, +1
2020-10-25T01:00:00Z - 2021-03-28T01:00:00Z, +1, +0

America/Los_Angeles in 2020:

.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = -8
2019-11-03 - 2020-03-08: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts November 03 at 01:00:00 and ends March 08 at 01:59:59
2020-03-08 - 2020-11-01: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 08 at 02:00:00 and ends November 01 at 01:59:59
2020-11-01 - 2021-03-14: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts November 01 at 01:00:00 and ends March 14 at 01:59:59

.NET 6:
Base offset = -8
2019-03-10 - 2019-11-03: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 10 at 02:00:00 and ends November 03 at 01:59:59.999
2020-03-08 - 2020-11-01: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 08 at 02:00:00 and ends November 01 at 01:59:59.999
2021-03-14 - 2021-11-07: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts March 14 at 02:00:00 and ends November 07 at 01:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals:
2019-11-03T09:00:00Z - 2020-03-08T10:00:00Z, -8, +0
2020-03-08T10:00:00Z - 2020-11-01T09:00:00Z, -8, +1
2020-11-01T09:00:00Z - 2021-03-14T10:00:00Z, -8, +0

Europe/Prague in 1946/1947:

.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = 1
1945-10-01 - 1946-05-06: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 01 at 02:00:00 and ends May 06 at 01:59:59
1946-05-06 - 1946-10-06: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 06 at 02:00:00 and ends October 06 at 02:59:59
1946-10-06 - 1946-12-01: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 06 at 02:00:00 and ends December 01 at 02:59:59
1946-12-01 - 1947-02-23: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts December 01 at 03:00:00 and ends February 23 at 01:59:59
1947-02-23 - 1947-04-20: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts February 23 at 03:00:00 and ends April 20 at 01:59:59
1947-04-20 - 1947-10-05: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 20 at 02:00:00 and ends October 05 at 02:59:59
1947-10-05 - 1948-04-18: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 05 at 02:00:00 and ends April 18 at 01:59:59
1948-04-18 - 1948-10-03: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 18 at 02:00:00 and ends October 03 at 02:59:59

.NET 6:
Base offset = 1
1945-05-08 - 1945-10-01: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 08 at 23:00:00 and ends October 01 at 02:59:59.999
1946-05-06 - 1946-10-06: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts May 06 at 02:00:00 and ends October 06 at 02:59:59.999
1946-12-01 - 1946-12-31: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts December 01 at 03:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1947-01-01 - 1947-02-23: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends February 23 at 01:59:59.999
1947-04-20 - 1947-10-05: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 20 at 02:00:00 and ends October 05 at 02:59:59.999
1948-04-18 - 1948-10-03: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts April 18 at 02:00:00 and ends October 03 at 02:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals:
1945-10-01T01:00:00Z - 1946-05-06T01:00:00Z, +1, +0
1946-05-06T01:00:00Z - 1946-10-06T01:00:00Z, +1, +1
1946-10-06T01:00:00Z - 1946-12-01T02:00:00Z, +1, +0
1946-12-01T02:00:00Z - 1947-02-23T02:00:00Z, +1, -1
1947-02-23T02:00:00Z - 1947-04-20T01:00:00Z, +1, +0
1947-04-20T01:00:00Z - 1947-10-05T01:00:00Z, +1, +1
1947-10-05T01:00:00Z - 1948-04-18T01:00:00Z, +1, +0

Europe/Dublin in 2020:

.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = 1
2019-10-27 - 2020-03-29: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts October 27 at 02:00:00 and ends March 29 at 00:59:59
2020-03-29 - 2020-10-25: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts March 29 at 02:00:00 and ends October 25 at 01:59:59
2020-10-25 - 2021-03-28: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts October 25 at 02:00:00 and ends March 28 at 00:59:59

.NET 6.0:
Base offset = 1
2019-10-27 - 2019-12-31: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts October 27 at 02:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
2020-01-01 - 2020-03-29: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends March 29 at 00:59:59.999
2020-10-25 - 2020-12-31: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts October 25 at 02:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
2021-01-01 - 2021-03-28: Daylight delta: -01; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends March 28 at 00:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals:
2019-10-27T01:00:00Z - 2020-03-29T01:00:00Z, +1, -1
2020-03-29T01:00:00Z - 2020-10-25T01:00:00Z, +1, +0
2020-10-25T01:00:00Z - 2021-03-28T01:00:00Z, +1, -1

Europe/Dublin in 1960:

.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = 1
1959-10-04 - 1960-04-10: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 04 at 03:00:00 and ends April 10 at 02:59:59
1960-04-10 - 1960-10-02: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts April 10 at 03:00:00 and ends October 02 at 02:59:59

.NET 6.0:
Base offset = 1
1959-10-04 - 1959-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: -01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 04 at 03:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1960-01-01 - 1960-04-10: Base UTC offset delta: -01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends April 10 at 02:59:59.999
1960-04-10 - 1960-10-02: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts April 10 at 03:00:00 and ends October 02 at 02:59:59.999
1960-10-02 - 1960-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: -01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 02 at 03:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1961-01-01 - 1961-03-26: Base UTC offset delta: -01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends March 26 at 02:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals:
1959-10-04T02:00:00Z - 1960-04-10T02:00:00Z, +0, +0
1960-04-10T02:00:00Z - 1960-10-02T02:00:00Z, +0, +1
1960-10-02T02:00:00Z - 1961-03-26T02:00:00Z, +0, +0

America/Sao_Paulo in 2018 (not 2020, as Brazil stopped observing daylight savings in 2019):

.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = -3
2017-10-15 - 2018-02-17: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts October 15 at 00:00:00 and ends February 17 at 23:59:59
2018-02-17 - 2018-11-03: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts February 17 at 23:00:00 and ends November 03 at 23:59:59
2018-11-04 - 2019-02-16: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts November 04 at 00:00:00 and ends February 16 at 23:59:59

.NET 6.0:
Base offset = -3
2017-10-15 - 2017-12-31: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts October 15 at 00:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
2018-01-01 - 2018-02-17: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends February 17 at 23:59:59.999
2018-11-04 - 2018-12-31: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts November 04 at 00:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
2019-01-01 - 2019-02-16: Daylight delta: +01; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends February 16 at 23:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals:
2017-10-15T03:00:00Z - 2018-02-18T02:00:00Z, -3, +1
2018-02-18T02:00:00Z - 2018-11-04T03:00:00Z, -3, +0
2018-11-04T03:00:00Z - 2019-02-17T02:00:00Z, -3, +1

Europe/London in 1968-1971

.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = 0
1968-10-26 - 1971-10-31: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 26 at 23:00:00 and ends October 31 at 01:59:59

.NET 6:
Base offset = 0
1968-10-26 - 1968-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts October 26 at 23:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1969-01-01 - 1970-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
1971-01-01 - 1971-10-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends October 31 at 01:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals:
1968-10-26T23:00:00Z - 1971-10-31T02:00:00Z, +1, +0

Europe/Moscow in 2011-2014

.NET Core 3.1:
Base offset = 3
2011-03-27 - 2014-10-26: Daylight delta: +00; DST starts March 27 at 02:00:00 and ends October 26 at 00:59:59

.NET 6:
Base offset = 3
2011-03-27 - 2011-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts March 27 at 02:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
2012-01-01 - 2013-12-31: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends December 31 at 23:59:59.999
2014-01-01 - 2014-10-26: Base UTC offset delta: +01; Daylight delta: +00; DST starts January 01 at 00:00:00 and ends October 26 at 00:59:59.999

Noda Time zone intervals:
2011-03-26T23:00:00Z - 2014-10-25T22:00:00Z, +4, +0

I think that forcing myself to collect these small bits of data and write them down will be a bit of a game-changer. Previously I’ve taken handwritten notes for individual issues, relying on the “global” unit tests (check every transition in every time zone) to catch any problems after I’d implemented them. But with the data above, I can write unit tests. And those unit tests don’t need to depend on whether we’re running on Windows and Linux, which will make the whole thing much simpler. We’re not testing an actual time zone – we’re testing “adjustment rule to Noda Time representation” with adjustment rules as they would show up on Linux.

There’s one slightly fiddly bit: I suspect that detecting “base UTC offset delta” for .NET Core 3.1 will require the time zone itself (as we can’t get to the rule data). I might get all the rest of the unit tests working first (and even the non-zero-delta ones for .NET 6) and come back to that.

That’s all for now…

I’ve now implemented the above test data in uncommitted code. After starting to include strings directly into the code, I’ve decided to put all the test data in a text file, pretty much as it’s specified above (just with very minor formatting changes). This is going to be really handy in terms of having readable test cases; I’m already glad I’ve put the effort into it.

However, I’ve discovered that it’s incomplete, as we need test cases for offset changes across the international date line (in both directions). It’s also possible that the choice of America/Sao_Paulo is unfortunate, as Brazil changed clocks at midnight. We might want an example in Australia as well. (Potentially even two: one with whole hour offsets and one with half hour offsets.)

Even without that additional test, there are issues. I can get all but “Europe/Dublin in 1968” to work in .NET 6. I haven’t yet worked out how to handle changing standard offsets in .NET Core 3.1 in a testable way. Even the fact that standard offsets can change is a pain, in terms of working out the transition times in .NET 6, as it appears to be something like “Assume the start is in standard time and the end is in daylight time, except don’t take any standard time deltas into account when calculating that” – which is very weird indeed. (And I don’t understand how the Europe/Dublin data in .NET 6 is meant to convey the expected data. It’s very odd.)

This post is quite long enough though, so I’m going to post it now and take a break from time zones for a bit. Hopefully I’ll post a “part 2” when I’ve actually got everything working.

Just as a reminder, supposedly these changes in .NET 6: “don’t affect external behavior, other than to ensure correctness in some edge cases”. Mmm. Really.