Category Archives: Books

Book updates for July 2021

Just a quick post with some updates around books and related events…

Software Mistakes and Tradeoffs: MEAP update

In June, I posted about the book that Tomasz Lelek and I are writing. (Well, Tomasz is doing the bulk of the work – only two of the thirteen chapters are by me, but I’ll take any credit I can get.)

I’m pleased to say the MEAP (Manning Early Access Program) of the book has been updated to include all chapters. It isn’t finished yet, but it means the first draft of the chapter I’ve written on versioning (chapter 12) is now included.

Tomasz and I are still working hard on the book… it’s great to see it getting into more people’s hands as we get closer to entering the production phase.


I’m delighted to have been asked to write forewords for two books:

I can heartily recommend both books.

Manning API Conference

The Manning API Conference is coming up soon, and I’ll be talking about network API versioning strategies. It’s a free virtual conference with a bunch of great speakers, so please sign up and I hope to see you in the chat.

New book: Software Mistakes and Tradeoffs

I’m delighted to announce that I’ve been hard at work contributing to a new book.

The book is called “Software Mistakes and Tradeoffs: How to make good programming decisions” and the principal author is Tomasz Lelek. The book was Tomasz’s idea, and he’s written the vast majority of the material, but I’ve contributed a chapter on handling date/time information, and another one around versioning (for libraries, network APIs and storage).

The aim of the book isn’t to provide answers: it’s to help you think carefully in your specific context, and ask the right questions. Tomasz and I have both made plenty of mistakes over the course of our careers – or been adjacent to other engineers making those mistakes. The choices that have been mistakes for us might not be a mistake for you – but it’s better to go into those choices with your eyes open to the trade-offs involved, and where they can lead in different situations.

This isn’t a book about a specific technology, although of course it demonstrates the ideas using examples which are specific. Almost all of the examples are in Java, but if you’re not a Java developer that really shouldn’t put you off: the ideas are easily transferrable to other environments. (In particular, if you understand C# it’s very unlikely that Java syntax will faze you.)

We’ve just launched the book into MEAP (Manning Early Access Program), with an estimated publication date of “fall 2021” (which means I really need to get on with polishing up my versioning chapter). The first seven chapters are available in the MEAP right now, which includes my date/time chapter.

What about C# in Depth?

You may be wondering where that leaves C# in Depth. The 4th edition of C# in Depth covers C# up to version 7, with a chapter looking ahead to C# 8 (which wasn’t finalized at the time of publication). That means I’m already two versions behind. So, what am I going to do about that?

The short answer is: nothing just yet. I haven’t started a 5th edition.

The longer answer is: yes, I definitely want to write a new edition at some point. However, I suspect the structure will need to change entirely (from version-based to topic-based) and I expect it to take a long time to write. Additionally, I have an idea around a diagnostics book which has morphed several times, but which I’m still keen on… and if I can get traction for that, it will probably take priority over C# in Depth, at least for a while.

So yes, one day… but probably sufficiently far in the future that it’s not worth asking any more until I announce something.

Writing and speaking update

This post has a few purposes – it’s partly a bit of advertising, but it’s also meant to serve as a quick way of replying to speaking requests for a while… if you’ve been directed here by an email from me, I hope you’ll excuse the “form letter” approach. (You can probably skip down to the bottom.)

Upcoming speaking engagements

I’ve got a few speaking engagements in the next four months:

  • December 2nd, hack.summit(): Humanity: Epic Fail (not currently sure how Tony the Pony will handle working with a webcam, but we’ll see)
  • December 3rd, NDC London: Abusing C#
  • January 6th-9th: CodeMash: workshop on LINQ, and a session on testing with Roslyn
  • February 27th: NorDevCon: Keynote (!) on passion, and C# 6 (probably with a bit of Roslyn too)

New book under development: Grokking C#

A long time ago I wrote about my hope to write two books: C# in Style and C# from Scratch. As you may have noticed, these haven’t happened yet, although I have had a couple of abortive attempts.

I’ve been working with my publisher (Manning) to think about the best way of introducing C# to newcomers, and we’ve made solid progress on a book with the working title of “Grokking C#” (subtitle: getting stuff done with objects). The aim will be to introduce both C# and OO hand-in-hand… not just “enough OO to understand the syntax of C#” but hopefully enough of the big picture to encourage readers to think about objects in a way which will last them long beyond the short time they’re reading the book.

The “Grokking” series from Manning is a pretty new one, but I’m really excited about the approach – it’s very visual, with a lot of thought put into reducing cognitive load. Have a look at Grokking Functional Programming for an idea of the style. If this sounds a bit like the Head-First books, there’s a good reason for that – Bert Bates who wrote Head-First Java with Kathy Sierra is acting in a consulting role for the Grokking books. However, the Grokking books have a style of their own – one which happens to take the things I like about the Head-First books, but without some of the aspects I’m less fond of.

I’m very much looking forward to learning a lot from Bert about getting a message out as clearly as possible. My blog, book and conference audience has always been reasonably advanced, and while I obviously answer Stack Overflow questions asked by newcomers, I haven’t done a large amount of writing for that audience. I expect this to be very challenging, but really rewarding.

No more speaking engagements…

Now for the bit which is tricky to tell conference organizers: I’m not going to accept any extra speaking engagements until the book is done, at least in first draft.

Writing the book is going to take a lot of my time, some of which would otherwise be family time… and currently speaking is taking about half of my vacation allocation each year. If I tried to continue with the speaking and the book, my family would suffer – and they don’t deserve that.

Don’t get me wrong – I still love speaking, and I’ll look forward to returning to the conference scene when I’m done, assuming anyone still wants me. Hopefully by then I’ll have some fresh ideas for talks as well. (I’ve been considering “Techniques for persuading people you’re an expert when you’re not” as a soft-skills talk, although I’m not sure I want to give away the secret…)

Apologies to conference organizers who I’ve already put off a few times with “ask me next year” – people trust me when I say it isn’t personal. If I had more time (or didn’t have a family!) I’d love to spend my life travelling around the world giving talks and chatting with developers. There just aren’t enough hours in the day :(

Book Review: Async in C# 5.0


A while ago I was attending one of the Developer, Developer, Developer conference in Reading, and I heard Alex Davies give a talk about actors and async. He mentioned that he was in the process of writing a short book for O’Reilly about async in C# 5, and I offered to review it for him. Many months later (sorry Alex!) I’m finally getting round to it.

Disclaimer: The review copy was given to me for free, and equally the book is arguably a competitor of the upcoming 3rd edition of C# in Depth from the view of readers who already own the 2nd edition… so you could say I’m biased in both directions. Hopefully they cancel out.

This is a book purely on async. It’s not a general C# book, and it doesn’t even cover the tiny non-async features in C# 5. It’s all about asynchrony. As you’d expect, it’s therefore pretty short (92 pages) and can comfortably be consumed in a single session. Alex’s writing style is informal and easy to read. Of course the topic of the book is anything but simple, so even though you may read the whole book in one go first time, that doesn’t mean you’re likely to fully internalize it straight away. The book is divided into 15 short chapters, so you can revisit specific areas as and when you need to.


I’ve been writing and speaking about async for about two and a half years now. I’ve tried various ways of explaining it, and I’m pretty sure it’s one of those awkward concepts which really just needs to click eventually. I’ve had some mails from people for whom my explanation was the one to do the trick… and other mails from folks who only "got it" after seeing another perspective. I’d encourage anyone learning about async to read a variety of books, articles, blog posts and so on. I don’t even think it’s a matter of finding the single "right" explanation for you – it’s a matter of letting them all percolate.

The book covers all the topics you’d expect it to:

  • Why asynchrony is important
  • Drawbacks of library-only approaches
  • How async/await behaves in general
  • Threading and synchronization contexts
  • Exceptions
  • Different code contexts (ASP.NET, WinRT, regular UI apps)
  • How async code is compiled

Additionally there are brief sections on unit testing, parallelism and actors. Personally I’d have preferred the actors part to be omitted, with more discussion on the testing side – particularly in terms of how to write deterministic asynchronous tests. However, I know that Alex is a big fan of actors, so I can forgive a little self-indulgence on that front.

There’s one area where I’m not sure I agree with the advice in the book: exceptions. Alex repeatedly gives the advice that you shouldn’t let exceptions go unobserved. I used to go along with that almost without thinking – but now I’m not so sure. There are definitely cases where that definitely is the case, but I’m not as comfortable with the global advice as I used to be. I’ll try to put my thoughts in order on this front and blog about this separately at a later date.

That aside, this is a good, pragmatic book. To be honest, I suspect no book on async is going to go into quite as many details as the PFX team blog, and that’s probably a good thing. But "Async in C# 5.0" is a very good starting point for anyone wanting to get to grips with async, and I in no way begrudge any potential C# in Depth 3rd edition sales I may lose by saying so ;)

C# in Depth 3rd edition available for early access, plus a discount code…

Readers who follow me on Twitter or Google+ know this already, but…

The third edition of C# in Depth is now available for early access from its page on the Manning website. I’ve been given a special discount code which expires at midnight EST on February 17th, so be quick if you want to use it – it gives 50% off either version. The code is “csharpsk”.

It’s likely that we’ll have a separate (permanent) discount for readers who already own the second edition, but the details of that haven’t been decided yet.

Just to be clear, the third edition is largely the second edition plus the changes to cover C# 5 – I haven’t done as much rewriting as I did for the second edition, mostly because I was already pretty happy with the second edition :) Obviously the largest (by far) feature in C# 5 is async/await, which is covered in detail in the new chapter 15.

The future of “C# in Depth”

I’m getting fairly frequent questions – mostly on Twitter – about whether there’s going to be a third edition of C# in Depth. I figure it’s worth answering it once in some detail rather than repeatedly in 140 characters ;)

I’m currently writing a couple of new chapters covering the new features in C# 5 – primarily async, of course. The current "plan" is that these will be added to the existing 2nd edition to create a 3rd edition. There will be minimal changes to the existing text of the 2nd edition – basically going over the errata and editing a few places which ought to mention C# 5 early. (In particular the changes to how foreach loop variables are captured.)

So there will definitely be new chapters. I’m hoping there’ll be a full new print (and ebook of course) edition, but no contracts have been signed yet. I’m hoping that the new chapters will be provided free electronically to anyone who’s already got the ebook of the 2nd edition – but we’ll see. Oh, and I don’t have any timelines at the moment. Work is more demanding than it was when I was writing the first and second editions, but obviously I’ll try to get the job done at a reasonable pace. (Writing about async in a way which is both accessible and accurate is really tricky, by the way.)

Of course when I’ve finished those, I’ve got two other C# books I want to be writing… when I’m not working on Noda Time, Tekpub screencasts etc…


I had a question on Twitter around the "two other C# books". I don’t want to go into too many details – partly because they’re very likely to change – but my intention is to write "C# from Scratch" and "C# in Style". The first would be for complete beginners; the second wouldn’t go into "how things work" so much as "how to use the language most effectively." (Yes, competition for Effective C#.) One possibility is that both would be donationware, at least in ebook form, ideally with community involvement in terms of public comments.

I’m hoping that both will use the same codebase as an extended example, where "From Scratch" would explain what the code does, and "In Style" would explain why I chose that approach. Oh, and "From Scratch" would use unit testing as a teaching tool wherever possible, attempting to convey the idea that it’s something every self-respecting dev does :)

Edulinq – the e-book

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve made a first pass at converting the blog posts in the Edulinq series into e-books.

I’m using Calibre to convert to PDF and e-book format. I still have a way to go, but they’re at least readable. The Kindle version (MOBI format) is working somewhat better than the PDF version at the moment, which surprises me. In particular, although hyperlinks are displaying in the PDF, they don’t seem to be working – whereas at least the internal links in the Kindle format are working.

I’ll no doubt try to improve things over time, but I’ve put these early attempts up on the root page of the Edulinq project site. I’ve also put all the blog posts up as HTML in the site’s source control; that means you can browse the latest version directly. It also means if you sync the source control, download Calibre yourself and add “index.html” as a new e-book in the Calibre library, you can play with the conversion yourself and help me improve things. Feedback about problems is welcome; feedback including the fix is even better :)

C# in Depth 2nd edition: now available in mobi/epub (Kindle) format

I’m not quite sure why this hasn’t been emailed to all existing owners, but the ebook of C# in Depth 2nd edition is now available in mobi and epub form, as well as PDF.

You can download it from the Manning user account site. You need to have the existing ebook first, but if you have the hard copy there should be a voucher in the front which will let you get the ebook for free. (This should work wherever you bought the hard copy from; it doesn’t matter whether you originally ordered it from Manning or not.) If you don’t already have a login for the user account site, just register using the same email address that the ebook was sent to. That way the system automatically credits you with all the ebooks you’ve bought. If you have had ebooks delivered to multiple email addresses, you can add those in the settings page.

Anyway, click on the link to C# in Depth, and you can download the book in any of the listed formats – if you want to use it on a Kindle, just download the mobi file, copy it to the Kindle and you should be well away.


C# in Depth 2nd edition: ebook available, but soon to be updated

Just a quick interrupt while I know many of you are awaiting more asynchronous fun…

Over the weekend, the ebook of C# in Depth 2nd edition went out – and a mistake was soon spotted. Figure 2.2 was accidentally replaced by figure 13.1. I’ve included it in the book’s errata but we’re hoping to issue another version of the ebook shortly. Fortunately this issue only affects the ebook version – the files shipped to the printer are correct. Speaking of which, I believe the book should come off the printing press some time this week, so it really won’t be much longer before you can all physically scribble in the margins.

We’re going to give it a couple of days to see if anything else is found (and I’m going to check all the figures to see if the same problem has manifested itself elsewhere) – but I expect we’ll be issuing the second "final" version of the ebook late this week.

EDIT: A lot of people have asked about an epub/mobi version of the ebook. I don’t have any dates on it, but I know it’s something Manning is keen on, and there’s a page declaring that all new releases will have an epub/mobi version. I’m not sure how that’s all going to pan out just yet, but rest assured that it’s important to me too.

Book Review: Effective C# (2nd edition) by Bill Wagner



Just in case you’re unaware, I’m the author of another C# book, C# in Depth. Although Effective C# is somewhat different to my book, they certainly share a target audience. To that extent, Bill and I are competitors. I try hard to stay unbiased in reviews, but it’s probably impossible. Bear this in mind while reading. I should also note that I didn’t buy my copy of Effective C#; it was kindly sent to me by Pearson, for the purpose of reviewing.

Content and target audience

Effective C# is a style guide for C# developers – but not at the low level of "put your braces here, use PascalCase for method names;" instead, it’s at the design level. As far as I can tell, the aim isn’t to be complete, just the most important aspects of style. (Hey, otherwise there wouldn’t be any need for More Effective C#, right?) There are 50 mostly-self-contained items, totalling about 300 pages to digest – which is a nice size of book, in my opinion. It’s not daunting, and the items can definitely be bitten off one at a time.

Looking down the table of contents, the items are divided into six categories: "C# language idioms", ".NET resource management", "Expressing Designs in C#", "Working with the Framework", "Dynamic Programming in C#", and "Miscellaneous". Broadly speaking these contain the sorts of thing you’d expect – although it’s worth pointing out that a significant chunk of "Working with the Framework" is given over to Parallel Extensions, which may not be obvious from the title. (It’s a really good source of information on PFX, by the way.)

This is not a tutorial on C#. If you don’t know C# reasonably well already (including generics, lambda expressions and so on) you should read another book first, and then come back to Effective C# in order to get the most out of it.

Comment from Bill: generics and lambda expressions (and LINQ) are covered in some detail in More Effective C#. It’s a bit strange that as of the 2nd edition, Effective C# covers a newer version of the language than More Effective C#. I tried hard to make sure neither book expects a reader to have read the other, but the organization of both books as a whole does show the hazards of hitting a moving target.

That’s not to say that there’s no explanation of C# – for example, Bill goes into a few details about the "dynamic" type from C# 4, as well as overloading and how optional parameters work. But these are meant to just cover some poorly-understood (or very new) aspects of the language, rather than teaching you from the beginning. The balance here feels just right to me – I believe most professional C# developers will learn details of C# they weren’t aware of before, but won’t be confused by the basics that Bill left out.

Accuracy, opinion and explanation

My copy of Effective C# has plenty of ink annotations now. They broadly fall into five categories:

  • "Ooh, I’d never thought of that" – aspects of C# which were genuinely new to me
  • "Hell, yes!" – things I agree with 100%, and which will help developers a lot
  • "Um, I disagree" – points where Bill and I would go probably different routes, presumably due to different experiences and having worked in different contexts. (It’s possible that when put in the same context, we’d do the same thing, of course.)
  • "No, that’s technically incorrect" – a few areas which are outright wrong, or were correct for previous versions of the framework/CLR, but aren’t correct now
  • "That’s not what that term means" (or "that’s not the right term for the concept you’re trying to get across") – it should come as no surprise to regular readers that I’m a bit of a pedant when it comes to terminology

The majority of my annotations are of the third category – disagreements. That’s not because I disagree with most of the book; it’s just that the second category is reserved for vehement agreement. I haven’t bothered to note every sentence that I’m just fine with.

The good news is that in areas where we disagree, Bill does an admirable job of stating his case. I disagree with some of his arguments – or I can give counter-examples, or merely place different value on some of the pros and cons – but the important thing is that the reasoning is there. If it doesn’t apply to your context, evaluate the advice accordingly.

It’s entirely reasonable for there to be quite a bit of disagreement, as much of the book is opinion. It’s obviously founded in a great deal of experience (and I should note that Bill has spent a lot more time as a professional C# developer than I have), but it’s still opinion. I rather wish that the book was a wiki, so that these items could be debated, amended etc, as per my dream book – I think that would make it even more valuable.

There are relatively few absolutely incorrect statements, and even on the terminology front it’s usually two things which have bugged me repeatedly. Bill uses "implicit properties" for "automatically implemented properties"; I’ve usually heard developers use the abbreviated form "automatic properties" but "implicit" is new to me. Likewise the book talks about "overriding ==" instead of "overloading ==" reasonably frequently. It’s a shame I was too busy with my own book to participate in the technical review for Effective C#, as I suspect that on at least some of these points, Bill would have been happy to amend the text accordingly. I shall, of course, transcribe my comments and send them to him.

Comment from Bill: I’ll make those corrections for the subsequent printings.

What’s missing?

There are some areas which I wish Bill had touched on or emphasized more. Topics such as numbers, text and chronological values could have been given some space as they frequently confuse folks (and are full of pitfalls; see Humanity: Epic Fail for more of my thoughts on this). I would personally have placed more importance on the mantra of "value types should be immutable" – it’s certainly talked about, but in the context of "preferring" atomic, immutable value types – and preferring value types over reference types in rather more situations than I’d personally use. In terms of importance in avoiding shooting yourself in the foot, making sure all structs are immutable comes near the top of the list in my view.

"More Effective C#" doesn’t cover those areas as far as I can tell from the table of contents, but it does go into details about generics and various aspects of C# 3 and LINQ, which are clearly part of any modern C# developer’s toolkit. I certainly intend to get hold of the book to see what else I have to learn from Bill.

I think it might have been nice to have a few sections at an even higher level than the specific items in Effective C#. Topics such as:

  • Don’t trust me: I don’t know your context. Even the smartest folks can only give advice in fairly general terms in books. Don’t apply this advice blindly; weigh up the arguments presented and work out how they apply to your actual code.
  • The importance of testing. It’s possible that this was mentioned, but I don’t recall it. Perhaps it’s a little on the opinionated side (see previous point…) but for significant code bases, testing should be deeply ingrained in whatever process you’re using. Note that although it’s worth trying to keep high standards in test code, it often has a very different look and feel to production code, and different "best practices" may apply.
  • Encouraging "working with the language" – if you find yourself fighting the language, you may discover you can keep winning battles but losing the war. Typically changing your design to represent more idiomatic C# will make life more pleasant for everyone.
  • Performance: how you might decide when and how much to care.

Very few of these would be C#-specific, of course – which may be why Bill left them out. You could easily fill a whole book like that, and it would probably be horrible to read – full of platitudes rather than concrete advice. I personally think there’s room for some discussion of this kind though.

Comment from Bill: The ultimate goal was to have the book be that ‘nice size’ you mention above. I agree that all of those concepts are important. I felt that many of these features were not C# specific (or even .NET specific) that I felt better covered elsewhere.  However, that ‘working with the language’ was one area where I feel that I do cover.  There are only a small number of negative titles (e.g "avoid" something or "do not" do something). In those cases, I tried to recommend alternatives where you would find yourself "working with the language".


I like Effective C# a lot. I like the fact that I’ve disagreed with a number of the points raised, and in disagreeing I’ve found myself thinking about why I disagree and in what situations each point of view may be appropriate. I worry a little about inexperienced readers who may be tempted to treat this (or any other book) as an ultimate truth to be quoted out of context and used to beat other developers into inappropriate solutions… but hopefully most readers won’t be like that.

Comment from Bill: I also hope that most readers avoid that. Thank you for pointing out that I’ve tried very hard to explain when my advice applies, and when it doesn’t.  That is critical.

It’s definitely encouraged me to try to write a somewhat similar book at some point… possibly not with the same organization, and probably dealing with some very different topics – but it’s good to see that it can work. Whether I can pull it off as well as Bill remains to be seen, of course.

I’ll look forward to reading More Effective C# – although my pile of books to review is groaning somewhat, and I should probably go through another of those first :)